In the Name of Physics

I would be very surprised if Mr. Wahl and any advising physicists hadn't previously worked out that the bullet wasn't going to touch him, but cool nonetheless, IMO. :thumbsup:
Anyone want to take wagers on how long before some stupid teenagers or drunk moron tries this at home in their pool? You wait, there will be a shooter too, and he'll get likely get charged with some type of manslaughter.

I can see this one coming a mile away.
Anyone want to take wagers on how long before some stupid teenagers or drunk moron tries this at home in their pool? You wait, there will be a shooter too, and he'll get likely get charged with some type of manslaughter.

I can see this one coming a mile away.

Perhaps these gonzo techniques are what's now necessary to raise the basic scientific awareness of the lay public. O_o Stuff like this may not cut it any more:

Or at least necessary to trim the I.Q. fat down. Either way it's a pretty cool video. No matter how "controlled" it was, I give the guy credit for doing it. I'd be keeping my head above water too.