Injury while in DEP


Sep 20, 2015
Hey what's up guys? I am curious to know if anyone has any information on this subject. I currently have a ship date in 20 days with a Pararescue contract. I injured my lower ab with 6-8 weeks recovery. Will I lose my contract? or can I get my ship date pushed back? any information is greately appreciated.
These types of questions come up all the time, I am always surprised at the number of them do not begin with..."I spoke to my recruiter and he said...", followed by, "what do you guys think?"...
We have at least one PJ instructor on board, but he tends to be rather busy. @dreadpiratebobert you need to speak to your recruiter tomorrow morning. 6-8 weeks recovery....who said that? Do you have something from a doctor? If not, how soon can you have a doctor's written opinion in hand? No paperwork, your day at MEPS will suck. Dot those i's tomorrow, but start first thing with a call to your recruiter.
6-8 weeks recovery....who said that? Do you have something from a doctor? If not, how soon can you have a doctor's written opinion in hand? No paperwork[/QUOTE]

I have seen a doctor I have a note. I'm going to a follow up on Wednesday to a sports medicine doctor. I don't want to go and get hurt in BMT and get fraudulent enlistment for a previously known injury. Also One of the admin for Special Tactics said most injuries in Indoc are from pre-existing injuries students did not let heal fully.
Are you saying we can not exchange friendship rings now? Sorry wrong forum talk to your recruiter. Do not let him talk you to leaving on time if you are still hurt.
6-8 weeks recovery....who said that? Do you have something from a doctor? If not, how soon can you have a doctor's written opinion in hand? No paperwork

I have seen a doctor I have a note. I'm going to a follow up on Wednesday to a sports medicine doctor. I don't want to go and get hurt in BMT and get fraudulent enlistment for a previously known injury. Also One of the admin for Special Tactics said most injuries in Indoc are from pre-existing injuries students did not let heal fully.[/QUOTE]
Talk to the recruiter, all is not lost.
My (old info) best guess is they will try to find someone willing to move their BMT date up, and you get a new date.
Let the injury heal, but keep the recruiter in the loop.
Simple solution- talk to the recruiter. Not an issue.

Make sure you bring the doctor's note, and be ready to see the doc and get re-evaluated ASAP so the recruiter has a good plan for you.

Don't worry about all the other stuff.