Intel Support question


running up that hill
Jan 3, 2007
in Wonderland, with my Alice
I've found this on HKPro:

I know the Navy has intell guys that go to a couple of weeks of BUD'S indoc. then deploy with the teams as interpreters and intell guys in the comm shack

considering it's a pro website (well I think it is :P) I would sure like to have it verified on the best source I can find - You guys !
I've found this on HKPro:

considering it's a pro website (well I think it is :P) I would sure like to have it verified on the best source I can find - You guys !

Sorry if I am butting in since I am not a "pro", but i dont see anybody answering.

It would be very strange IMHO if they were send "for a couple of weeks" to the Indoc, or to the whole school for that matter, in order to work in the commo sack, or as interpreters.

Holding their own in a firefight/patrol etc (a likely purpose for extra training) is something they would learn elsewhere, not indoc:2c:

I think, and we'd need a SEAL or NAVSPECWAR type to confirm or deny it, that certain support elements get some training but not BUD/S. BUD/S is for the SEALs only. I know of a EOD type that spent some time at ST2 and he did not do BUD/S, only the pre-deployment training that comes with going to a unit like that and he actually rolled out of the FOB with the Team on their gun trucks.

Until we get someone in the know, my guess based on talking to guys like my EOD buddy and reading bits here and there is that BUD/S is for SEALs and the support guys get whatever training the unit deems necessary...and that won't include BUD/S.

If I'm wrong, someone correct me and I'll can my post.
Both coasts run their Techs through slightly different soldiering skills classes, neither of which remotely compare to BUD/S.

The Navy traditionally doesn't use their Intel dudes as 'terps. We have a whole rating dedicated to linguists, but their normal focus is on other matters.

Lastly, not all intel guys work in the TOC. It's all situation and personality dependent.

I'll tell you what though, I've seen too many dudes come through worrying about what schools could they go to, or what gear could they get issued, etc ... They lost sight of the forest from the trees and forgot why they were there ... to provide the highest quality intel support to the shooters.

It's fun and all to say you are an NSW Intel Tech, but it's much harder to build a solid reputation and keep it. Not much about this job is fun (it's lots of long days/weeks/months), but the job satisfaction is phenomenal.
The only guys who go to BUD/S are the guys who are trying to be SEALs.

Since the reorganization of NSW, the way SEAL platoons deploy has changed. In my day you deployed with just the SEALs in your platoon and that was it. Any technical support(i.e., riggers, armorers, intel) you needed would generally come from guys permanently assigned to the NSW Unit you deployed too. If you were on a WESTPAC or MARG cruise you'd have a SBU det with you and you would get whatever support you needed from the crew of the ship you deployed on. Now the teams are deploying task units that have SEAL platoons with integrated boat dets, EOD, comms, intel, riggers, armorers, etc that work specifically for the NSWTU OIC. The SEALs now work side by side during their workup with the techs they will be deploying with.

Yes, the Naval Special Warfare Intelligence Course (NSWIC) is still around. For Naval Intelligence personnel, the new Expeditionary/Ground Intelligence Analyst course is a prerequisite prior to attending it though.
I know of a EOD type that spent some time at ST2 and he did not do BUD/S, only the pre-deployment training that comes with going to a unit like that and he actually rolled out of the FOB with the Team on their gun trucks.

I resemble that remark. How's things back in Astan?
I resemble that remark. How's things back in Astan?

I was hoping you'd make it to the party.

They are peachy. I am the World's Greatest Fobbit, making commo with the new system, messing with the Air Force, and trying to figure out a way to get back to Bagram and that job there. Flying a desk with no FOB hopping makes me a dull boy.

Hope you and yours are well!
Not sure with Intel bubbas but the 'bees usually go to LogSu or CSST then go TAD to a Unit. No "speshul" training, you might pick up a school if you are liked. It is very personality dependant. If your a pussy you aint gettin shit but some cool gear.
I was at Unit 4 and got some cool ass automotive schools and OBM. Now I know how to fix Air Conditioners and Zodiacs! Pretty much because I was always volunteering to pull shoots out of the water, be an OP4 guy, you know cool stuff, not hangin' out at the NEX in my green shorts and blue shirt pretending I was hard like SOME techs. A tech will have to show them something in order to get a school.
But, if someone is wanting to take a support billet thinking they are going to go to Operator training they are probably the ones who are going to wear the Unit ballcap out in town and try to pick up snatch with it.
I would tell them to, "Know your role, son."