Intro to me

Andy Pacino

Nov 29, 2016
Hi chaps and chapesses,

It's great to be aboard the group and I hope I can contribute to the forum and gain lots of knowledge from you all. I'm an educational consultant, a writer and I've done a bit of TV work commenting on a couple of skirmishes. I've also been known to pick up brushes and paint pictures too. Although Im not forces myself, my family and tons of my friends are, and I've written a bit about life in various forces. I'm in England now, but I'm normally in the Middle East consulting on educational methods and teacher training practices. I also run a private art gallery in sunny Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and in a couple of years I plan to do the same once I return from the day job in the Middle East, and come back to the UK. If anyone's got a question, shout me and I'll de my best to reply quickly.
Greetings. Best of success to you in your future goals and objectives!