Hello All,
My background is as follows:
I started my military service in 1973 with basic and AIT at Ft Polk. Following Airborne school, I was assigned to 2/508th Abn Inf in 82nd Airborne Div at Ft Bragg. I served in a variety of 11B positions there from 73-75. After reenlisting for a medical MOS, I was assigned to White Sands Missle Range, NM from 76 - 78. In early 78, I volunteered for Special Forces and attended the Q course as a 91B, TDY enroute to 10th SFGA at Ft Devens. I was assigned as the Senior Aidman for ODA 236, C/2/10 SFGA after I graduated the Q Course. I served on ODAs 233 / 236 / 232 (065) from 79-85. In April 85, I was appointed a 180A Special Operations Warrant Officer and reassigned to 5th SFGA at Ft Bragg. I served as a ODA XO and CDR on ODAs 545 /565 in A & C Companies 2/5 SFGA at Ft Bragg and Ft Campbell until 1993. I moved to ODB 550 as the Company Operations Warrant & XO from 93-95 and then up to 2/5 SFGA as the BN S-3 Warrant from 95-97. I was the 5th SFGA S-3 Warrant Officer from 97-98. I retired from AD on 2/1/99.
My background is as follows:
I started my military service in 1973 with basic and AIT at Ft Polk. Following Airborne school, I was assigned to 2/508th Abn Inf in 82nd Airborne Div at Ft Bragg. I served in a variety of 11B positions there from 73-75. After reenlisting for a medical MOS, I was assigned to White Sands Missle Range, NM from 76 - 78. In early 78, I volunteered for Special Forces and attended the Q course as a 91B, TDY enroute to 10th SFGA at Ft Devens. I was assigned as the Senior Aidman for ODA 236, C/2/10 SFGA after I graduated the Q Course. I served on ODAs 233 / 236 / 232 (065) from 79-85. In April 85, I was appointed a 180A Special Operations Warrant Officer and reassigned to 5th SFGA at Ft Bragg. I served as a ODA XO and CDR on ODAs 545 /565 in A & C Companies 2/5 SFGA at Ft Bragg and Ft Campbell until 1993. I moved to ODB 550 as the Company Operations Warrant & XO from 93-95 and then up to 2/5 SFGA as the BN S-3 Warrant from 95-97. I was the 5th SFGA S-3 Warrant Officer from 97-98. I retired from AD on 2/1/99.