

SOF Support
Nov 19, 2012
I'm 9 years Army intel, 7+ in an SF Group. Team Leader for SOT-A 5101. There are probably a few of you on here that may know me or have heard of me by my moniker (that is definitely just an assumption). I'm on here because I did a google search on SOT-A's to check the information that is floating on the web and a couple of searches led me here. From the info I found it seems that this may be a good place to network.
Oh and I, like I'm sure every other quality SOT-A in USASFC, want so bad for the pipeline to get squared away. We need it bad. Fully vetted, assessed and selected SOT-A members could be one of the biggest, game-changing, ideas that USASFC has seen in quite some time. It should have happened years ago.