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Jan 11, 2013
Hi there,

my name is Marc, i'm 26 and i'm from Germany. I don't have a military background, but i'm a military gear enthusiast who is interested in collecting authentic gear and learning something about United States Special Operations Forces.

I found this forum by accident, when i was searching for USAF Pararescue on Google and was pretty amazed, that a platform like this exists. It's an honor for me to be here and i hope that i'm still welcome here, even if i'm not serving in the military and that i can become a part of this community.

If you've got any question, feel free to ask.

Thanks guys
Thanks guys. Even some members here, who can speak a little bit german :D Nice

And sorry, i will choose another avatar :thumbsup:
Actually Mannequins wearing it. However, i buy the gear for my body size.
Welcome to the site..... Do you sometimes dress your mannequins up and pretend they are a PJ assault force (just so amlove21 and JustAnotherJ don't get a PM from you about this, I made it up) that broke in and forced you to perform unspeakable acts in order to gain your freedom? Because it kind of sounds like you might.
Welcome to the site..... Do you sometimes dress your mannequins up and pretend they are a PJ assault force (just so amlove21 and JustAnotherJ don't get a PM from you about this, I made it up) that broke in and forced you to perform unspeakable acts in order to gain your freedom? Because it kind of sounds like you might.
Speak a few of those acts. Inquiring minds.
Welcome to the site..... Do you sometimes dress your mannequins up and pretend they are a PJ assault force (just so amlove21 and JustAnotherJ don't get a PM from you about this, I made it up) that broke in and forced you to perform unspeakable acts in order to gain your freedom? Because it kind of sounds like you might.
I hate you so much.
Welcome to the site..... Do you sometimes dress your mannequins up and pretend they are a PJ assault force (just so amlove21 and JustAnotherJ don't get a PM from you about this, I made it up) that broke in and forced you to perform unspeakable acts in order to gain your freedom? Because it kind of sounds like you might.

Mothertrucker! That was funny.

Of course. I obtained my total freedom when i put the last pouch on my vest and now the mannequin can feel like a real hero just like you ;-)

To avoid any confusion, I'm the one who receives the hate mail.
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