

Jun 18, 2013
Good Afternoon Everyone!

I am 21 years old, recently separated (Apr '13) from the AF as a 2LT, and married to a current AF 2LT. I washed out of cyberspace training. Big Blue didn't reclass me, instead gave me an honorable discharge and sent me on my way. Serving in the military has been a dream of mine since I was young and clearly this isn't how I pictured my career going.

For years now I've been interested in the Army and more specifically a SOF role like Ranger or SF. More than likely when I step into the recruiter's office it will be for an 11B Opt 40 contract and I'll wait however long it takes.

The only thing slowing me down is an iffy wife who is off/on about supporting me through this. I know I can't leave for training with loose strings back home so I'm working on ironing all that out before I even talk to a recruiter. I need to be 100% and in order for that to happen I need to know she is too.

If anyone has any advice or words of wisdom to offer I'm going to be here soaking it all in! I've already read a ton of pages here and began taking in as much as I can. I look forward to reading and learning more and more here!

You received an honorable discharge? I would have thought you would received an OTH or general discharge, may even an administrative separation.

Good luck on your endeavors and welcome to the site.
You received an honorable discharge? I would have thought you would received an OTH or general discharge, may even an administrative separation.

Good luck on your endeavors and welcome to the site.

Why would you think that? If there was no misconduct involved, and it was a service-directed separation, honorable is totally appropriate.

Not to be a dick, but if you failed cyberspace training, do you think being a Ranger in Battalion is a good place for you to go next? I feel like an IET washout thinking they can hang with the big boys is a bit unrealistic. Just to be honest.
Did you have more then 181 days on Active Duty?

You have to resign your commission, then get the Army to take you.

I would (seriously) look at the Air Guard and see if anyone is willing take take you, then send you to school.

AF Officer married to an Army Enlisted Soldier doesn't offer a lot of basing options. What does your wife do?
Why would you think that? If there was no misconduct involved, and it was a service-directed separation, honorable is totally appropriate.
My thought process is that in order to be honorably discharged, you would have to honorably fulfill your contract. By failing to meet the standards I would assume that an honorable discharge wouldn't be rated. I understand that it was service-directed, however it was still student-incited.
Thanks for all the responses everyone! I really appreciate everything!

Did you have more then 181 days on Active Duty?

You have to resign your commission, then get the Army to take you.

I would (seriously) look at the Air Guard and see if anyone is willing take take you, then send you to school.

AF Officer married to an Army Enlisted Soldier doesn't offer a lot of basing options. What does your wife do?

I called up an Army recruiter maybe a month ago just to see if they'd take me and he said since I didn't complete my MOS training I'd be good to go...I'll check up on that and make sure. With the business rules always changing I can see that being a problem. If they say no to me then I will keep looking at all my options. Nothing is off the table seeing as how I'm already in a tight spot! Wife is a missiles officer by the way.

My thought process is that in order to be honorably discharged, you would have to honorably fulfill your contract. By failing to meet the standards I would assume that an honorable discharge wouldn't be rated. I understand that it was service-directed, however it was still student-incited.

I see what you're saying, but in order to be dishonorably discharged I think you'd have to do something bad. I've known airmen to fail a drug test and walk away with an admin discharge.


No way! Haha I'm just a regular guy trying to figure this life out is all. :wall:
Make sure your ducks are lined up good, so thr resignation leads to an enlisted contract with all the desired training. BCT, AIT,ABN, thrn RASP. Don't br afraid to take a non 11B jb to get RASP; 13F and 68W can also get you into thr fight. GA and WA are your two duty locations. Which missile field will your wife be headed too?
My thought process is that in order to be honorably discharged, you would have to honorably fulfill your contract. By failing to meet the standards I would assume that an honorable discharge wouldn't be rated. I understand that it was service-directed, however it was still student-incited.

what does student-incited mean?
My thought process is that in order to be honorably discharged, you would have to honorably fulfill your contract. By failing to meet the standards I would assume that an honorable discharge wouldn't be rated. I understand that it was service-directed, however it was still student-incited.

You can get an entry level discharge if you wash out of entry level training i.e. boot camp or OCS. MOS schools wouldn't count though.

General: is usually given for bad conduct, medical discharges etc. He could have gotten one of these but officers get honorable discharges or dismissals. A dismissal is the same as a punitive discharge and can only be given at a court martial. If he was enlisted they would have reclassed him instead of dismissing him.

Other than Honorable (OTH) is a severe administrative discharge and can be awarded without a court martial. Prosecutors may offer an OTH for a guilty plea rather than going to trial. You have to have violated the UCMJ or civilian to get an OTH for the most part. You can't reenlist and you lose your GI Bill.

Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD aka the Big Chicken Dinner) is a punitive discharge given through special or general court martial. You lose disability payments, access to the VA etc.

Dishonorable Discharges (DD) can only be given by general court martial and carries the same weight as a civilian felony.

Not to be a dick, but if you failed cyberspace training, do you think being a Ranger in Battalion is a good place for you to go next? I feel like an IET washout thinking they can hang with the big boys is a bit unrealistic. Just to be honest.

CBack do you think you would have made it through cyberspace training? It's apples and oranges to SOF. I would hope that 90% of the Ranger Regiment would wash out. I know I would. The only way I would pass cyberspace training if they only tested my ability to find porn on the internet.