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USMC Scout Sniper, R&S, CQB
Verified Sniper
Nov 27, 2008
I have been prompted to post an intro; I suppose the intro I posted a couple years ago has expired? Anyway, I am stationed at Bangor on security forces duty. I graduated Sniper School class 1-01 in December of 2000 at Camp Pendleton. Other schools include SOTG Urban Sniper, R&S, SERE, DEST, and maybe others I have forgotten.

I served in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 with 1/1 STA. Have been back to Iraq as an infantry platoon sergeant with 3/3 in 2007 and 2009. That is the middle to the end, now skipping to the beginning, (do ya love my not-so-chronological order) my first duty station was Hawaii with 1/3. Then, I did a quick year at Guantanamo Bay Cuba with Rifle Security Company Leeward before heading to Cali for duty with 1/1.

I think that covers everything. Oh, and of course, the answer to the obvious question, no, I have never killed anyone; lots of R&S, not so much shooting. The extent of my combat action was being hit by a tiny IED (plus the obligatory "welcome to the AO" daily mortaring). No confirmed kills for me...maybe next time?

Echo Six Bravo, Out
Then, I did a quick year at Guantanamo Bay Cuba with Rifle Security Company Leeward before heading to Cali for duty with 1/1.

Good thing you didn't say Windward. I would have thought you were hanging out with Tom Cruise, Keifer Sutherland and Jack Nicholson :evil:

Welcome aboard - or back!
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