Hello I'm just another kid aspiring for an interesting career. I've been lurking for about a year on this site and finally decided to sign up for the search function. Feel free to yell at me if I step out of my place at all, which I'm sure you won't hesitate to do so lol. I'm interested in most of the career fields available in the Spec-Ops world but so far I'm leaning towards PJ. I look forward to being apart of this community.
Being a high school student I don't have many qualifications but heres what I got:
Varisty Waterpolo and Swim team
Baldy View ROP Law Enforcement Academy Cadet
Boy Scouts Of America
Being a high school student I don't have many qualifications but heres what I got:
Varisty Waterpolo and Swim team
Baldy View ROP Law Enforcement Academy Cadet
Boy Scouts Of America