Introduction to Shadowspear


Jul 18, 2013
SOF Mentor
Hello all,

I recently got out of the military. I am looking to keep tabs on the community as I move forward in the next chapter of my life. I look forward to reading and sharing.

H. Johnson
You need to do better than that.

I'll help you out.

Introductions are required for new members. Please take a moment to introduce yourself here before posting on the site, or you run the risk of having your account deleted. Introductions do not have to be works of art, but at the same time sub par intros will not be tolerated. If you are/were military, you may want to highlight what branch you served in, what your job was/is, and what brought you to ShadowSpear. If you're not in the military or a veteran, feel free to tell us about yourself and what brought you to our community.

We require member profiles to be filled out. The member's component and background are required. The "Component" field must list what best describes you. In the "Background" field, please tell us about yourself. You may list your military job/specialty (MOS) or units you serve(d) with. Civilian members can tell us what they do for a living.

Why does ShadowSpear require intros and completed profiles?

In short, we run a tight community and try to provide information that is factually correct. People who pass themselves off as someone they are not are not welcome here. This site is for learning, teaching, and connecting. Remember, no one is forcing you to join this site. You can still read the topics as a guest. Show the other members a little respect, and you will receive some in return.
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Thanks for the post Pardus. I just got out of the Marine Corps after 10 years. I had a great time but I needed to move on from all the deployments. I have had several jobs. Started out as a 0331, then 0302/0371. Did the enlisted to officer thing (ECP). I am loving the civilian life. I just started a fitness company helping people prepare for SOF selection. I wanted to keep in touch with the community as I move fwd in my life. Thanks, look fwd to getting involved.
Thanks for the post Pardus. I just got out of the Marine Corps after 10 years. I had a great time but I needed to move on from all the deployments. I have had several jobs. Started out as a 0331, then 0302/0371. Did the enlisted to officer thing (ECP). I am loving the civilian life. I just started a fitness company helping people prepare for SOF selection. I wanted to keep in touch with the community as I move fwd in my life. Thanks, look fwd to getting involved.

There you go! :thumbsup:

Welcome aboard.
I apologize that was a typo. Not 0371...typing too fast. It's my 0370 FMOS. We don't get AMOS...we get the FMOS designator. I was with 3D MSOB for 3 years prior to moving on.

Also, you are correct 0372 is the MOS for our enlisted team guys (CSOs). Officers don't get the 0372's all headquarters Marine Corps stuff. Manpower won't release any officer to MARSOC forever... The Corps still has some serious growing to do..but it's a start.

Welcome and Semper Fi!

The officer AMOS isn't 0372. I forget what it is. 0370 maybe? Which MSOB did you serve with?
They like to say that we get the AMOS 0370...but HQMC Manpower's secret is that it's a FREE means absolutely nothing. HQMC won't give officers a free break from their primary MOS. This is a huge headache. You with the Res unit (I & I) out there? I had a buddy get out and go to HI as a res FR guy (Mark)...he came from 3d.
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They like to say that we get the AMOS 0370...but HQMC Manpower's secret is that it's a FREE means absolutely nothing. HQMC won't give officers a free break from their primary MOS. This is a huge headache. You with the Res unit (I & I) out there? I had a buddy get out and go to HI as a res FR guy (Mark)...he came from 3d.

No, I was with 1/3 and JPAC in Hawaii. I did my recon time between 1st Force and 1st Recon. I'm back at Pendleton now. I need to update my location I guess.