

Dec 11, 2012
Greetings Everyone!

I'm a Junior at NC State (that's North Carolina State for those outside the Mid-Atlantic) and I stumbled across the forum when looking over my options to serve. I was in the Air Force ROTC last year but left after being told that the Law School program required me to pick an AFSC first and was not likely (10%). Since then, I've become more weary of dishing out the dough for a law school degree when there's a lack of jobs and it's saddled lots of people with huge debts to pay off. Either way I want to do my part, whether in a JAG capacity or in something else. I just hope this forum can help clarify my best plan of attack.

Happy Holidays Everyone!
Welcome to SS.

If you are in Law School, it would be a shame to punch out of there before completing it. That would be a true waste of the bucks already spent. Best of luck in your endeavors.

RF 1
Welcome to SS.

If you are in Law School, it would be a shame to punch out of there before completing it. That would be a true waste of the bucks already spent. Best of luck in your endeavors.

RF 1

I'm not in law school just yet. I do need to decide pretty quickly though because I need to take the LSAT and start pumping out those Law School applications within the next 6 months. Right now the only options that look good are National Guard while in Law School, Law School then commission afterwards or serve and then try to use TA to pay for law school. Politics is the end goal (yuck, I know) but I'm sick of things heading in the wrong direction without good leadership and want to do my best to fix it.

Pardon my confusion, but you wish to be JAG, yet you quit ROTC.

Despite your clarification, you've already set a precedent. We want motivated JD's to serve our servicemembers. Not impressive move.

Pardon my confusion, but you wish to be JAG, yet you quit ROTC.

Despite your clarification, you've already set a precedent. We want motivated JD's to serve our servicemembers. Not impressive move.

I do wish to be JAG, and I did quit AFROTC. The way in which Air Force ROTC works is that in your Sophomore year (AS200 year) you have to send in a packet to AETC with your credentials, grades and commander's score. In that packet you also are told to list AFSC's in order of desirability. The Air Force does not offer a program out of undergrad for JAG. However, there is a program AFTER you have been selected for another career (AFSC) which you can apply for that is highly competitive and offers minimal financial aid. Personally, I had a great time in the Air Force but I did not want to be selected for a career I didn't want, with a minimal chance to become a JAG. I also did not want to end up taking a spot in a career that I would hate over one of my motivated flight mates who lived for the opportunity. I felt it wasn't fair to them, and removed myself from the program.

I did some research and the only way in which I could apply for the FLEP program was after serving a few years first in the AFSC given to me. Not ideal.
I should have researched the ROTC program better in respects to the JAG program. I was just excited to be involved and jumped when I was told "Well, yeah there's a way to be a JAG". Just didn't know what that fully entailed. I take full responsibility for that.