

Jan 10, 2013
Hey guys,

I have been looking into the military for sometime and decided I would like to join special forces. I am 22 years old and am dead set on joining the military. I am currently trying to get prepared so I can make the cut. Physically I need to get my run time better and toughen up my feet (already found a great thread on the latter here). I am also trying to teach myself land navigation as I feel that will be one of my weakest points.

I am between Rangers and Recon atm and leaning mostly toward Rangers.

Since beginning to train myself talking with recruiters I've never felt so determined for something.

Ill be on here quite a bit but wont post much starting out. If you would like to message me or email me ANY advice or words of wisdom are greatly appreciated. Mad respect to all of you and hope to among peers here someday soon.

Welcome to the site.

You will find that attention to detail goes a long way here, and in the military. Your stated desire to "join Special Forces" while also trying to choose "between Rangers and Recon" are at odds with each other. Special Forces are the Army's unconventional warfare experts. They are also a unit included under the umbrella of "Special Operations Forces", or SOF. So, you are interested in joining Special Operations Forces and are trying to decide between Rangers and Recon.
Welcome to shadowspear and good luck. As the saying goes, "the will to win is nothing without the will to prepare..."
Regretfully no. I have some college under my belt enough to go in as Private First class though. I wish id done this straight out of school and saved myself alot of wasted time on dead end jobs..
Welcome to shadowspear and good luck. As the saying goes, "the will to win is nothing without the will to prepare..."

Im only going to get out of this what im willing to put into it. If I don't have the drive to motivate myself now then I sure as hell don't stand a chance when going through training.
I was gonna wait to get into a mentor program to give update on my progress and plans to prepare myself. Ill start here (rather than start a whole thread and clutter things) until I get accepted to the mentor group I applied too.

I am 22, 250lbs (out of shape) and until last week the farthest id run was probably 2 miles. I have alot of lifting experience but came from a back ground where most guys thought 'cardio bad, food and weight good'.

My goal is to be confident in my physical abilities to sign an 18X contract in 6 months.

I know its a stretch but I wont settle for failure.

What I've done so far:
Quit smoking
Quit drinking
Stopped all red meat.
Around 80% of my diet is vegetables.
I ran 3 (40 min) miles on Wednesday of last week 4 miles(55 min) on friday and 4.6 (1hr)miles today. I know these times are Horrible and slightly faster than a fast walk but I am just starting out.

I picked up Get Selected! And orderd some boots to get used to running in boots.

I will keep this updated with my progress. I know what im proposing based on my stats might seem rediculous but I want to prove to myself I can do this.
Tuesday cycled 21 miles in an hour

Wednesday- walked on an incline for about 2 minutes and did some pull ups 3 sets of ten

Thurday- Off day. Wore a 35lb vest at work for about 6 hours.

Today (friday)-pyramid calethtics up to 6 pull ups, 12 push ups and 18 sit ups and back down. Some walking and lots of stretching.

Ill update this every friday with my weeks progress and next weeks goals.

I also finished Get Selected. Lots of good info and will probably read it 3 mor times before march lol

Goals for the next week: boots and ruck should be in soon. I plan to get in 2 good rucks in. Hopefully Monday and Wednesday. The first ill go only 3 or 4 miles to break in the boots.

I plan to run 2 miles out right no walking. Again not a huge goal but its a step for me. I can't believe how much my endurance has suffered. I know the next few month will be tough and I got alot of work to do.

Any suggestions what I should load my alice ruck with to give it some weight that will somewhat be evenly dispersed. I was thinking maybe water jugs or a sand bag.
Figured I'd update.

Im down to 238lbs @6'1

I've been consistant on running and walking on a steep incline. Nothing impressive but my speed is getting up. On my couch to 5k I run at a 7 min/mi pace and am gonna try to keep that through out the program.

I realized I was doing my pull ups wrong. I was doing palms facing away and wide I was able to do about 12 before form started going. Im sure the palms facing me will be easier and I plan to get a count on my ruck later when I pass the park.

Im at about 50 push ups perfect form. I do sets of 50 to 40 repeatedly throughout the day everyday.

Situps i haven't timed but can do around 60 before fatigue.

Now my questions!

1. I met with a recruiter and he urged me to sign for infantry and then go for rangers and to not do an 18x he said it would give me more time to get in shape for it than if I just went straight for rangers. Is this true?

2. If I sign the 18x. I will go to basic (9 weeks) then AIT(??) Then airborne (3 weeks) then pre rasp(??) Then rasp and finall selection. Is that accurate or would I skip AIT or would that just be infantry school?

3. They said im good to go to sign the 18x. Bf% and they said my practice asvab was a good indicator my GT are high enough. I told them my concerns about the shape im in and the recruiter and his boss both assured me by the time I get through boot camp and AIT and train durng my down time at airborne school ill be fine and will have no issue with the 2 and 5 mile time requirements.. im a bit skeptical and don't wanna sign myself up for failure by signing early.

After I told them I wanted to get down to 200lbs before signing they seemed to no longer want to talk to me. And that it would take to long for it to be a concern to them. Im gonna get my med docs and SS card, diploma and birth cert and bring it all in to them and hopefully they'll realize im serious.

My job doesn't allow me to attend PT due to hours so im very on my own as far as staying ontop of things.
Before asking further questions do use the "search" function and visit all the other areas of the site. Secondly many of your questions can be answered by an active duty recruiter. Third you need to PT as if you life depends on it (you and your wife). As far as PT programs you can vist the "Fitness and Nutrition" section for ideas, suggestions and programs.
Heading to MEPS tomorrow and Thursday. Really excited. I've dropped about 25lbs since I first started posting here and my run times and pushups have improved alot.