

Aug 1, 2013
The Stumps
Hey Gents, I'm an infantry platoon commander stationed in 29 Stumps. As I am approach the end of my time here, I'm looking to do some research on possible second tour options to include service with one of the recon battalions or possibly dropping a package to try to go to A&S. I'm very appreciative of the wealth of knowledge and experience on this site and I look forward to learning from you all.
Welcome, sir.:thumbsup:

One question though.... where the hell are all of these Marines coming from? We're being inundated with Leathernecks... FML... Major, Master Sergeant... do something... please? Isn't the closet we gave you as barrakcs getting a little full? :ROFLMAO:

What barracks.... we burned those down remember? That resulted in the great match ban of 2010.
Welcome aboard. If we get many more Marines here they are going to rip their shirts off and start man dancing together, seen it happen before
What barracks.... we burned those down remember? That resulted in the great match ban of 2010.

Sarge, the match ban was in 2007/2008 (it was all MSgt 0699's fault)... prior to the barracks incident, and we built that new (recycled) cinderblock closet (locker) down the hall (passage) on the left (port) then down the stairs (ladder) in the basement (hold) for you Marines (Naval Infantry).