

SOF Support
Nov 25, 2013
Hi all. I have been in 20th SFG since 2004. I originally enlisted as a 96B (35F now) intel analyst. I deployed to Mosul, Iraq in 2006. A little bit after I got back I decided to change my MOS to 35P Crypto Linguist and was put on a SOT-A team. I deployed to Chamkani, Afghanistan in 2010. Once we got back from AFG myself and one of the guys on my team decided to contract overseas. We were contracted SOT-A's and was attached to SEAL Platoons for 6 months, the last 6 months we were in more of a training capacity. I am still in 20th group and waiting to see if something else comes up.
I wanted to join this site to kinda stay up-to-date on what is going on in the Active Duty community so I can know what to expect in the future (the Guard takes a little bit catch up, and by that I mean usually years). I hope that I may be able to contribute to some of the conversations with my experience.
Thank you all.
SkrewzLoose, yeah I can't complain. I have gotten pretty lucky with a smooth military career so far.
Welcome. I turned the lights off in Chamkani in 2013 and we got in some good fights up in Rabat. The bazaar down the hill was fish in a barrel for us!

Were you there with Seth?
Lindy, what group was Seth with? Was he a SOT-A or ODA?

Sad to hear you closed Chamkani down. Yeah we got into quite a few good fights there. While we were there the bazaar wasn't bad. They didn't get that close to us, we kept them back a few clicks. We also got into a 4 day-er in Jani Khel.
Seth W, SOT-A from MS, was attached to 26. Somewhere I have a pic of Haroon in a B Co, 2/20th sweatshirt.

Mods, apologize for the butt sniffing...back to the Intro thread.
Seth W, SOT-A from MS, was attached to 26. Somewhere I have a pic of Haroon in a B Co, 2/20th sweatshirt.

Mods, apologize for the butt sniffing...back to the Intro thread.
Lindy, got ya. I am in 3rd BN. My rotation after theirs. It went 2/20 then 3rd group then 3/20.