

Mar 3, 2014
Hey there.

I'm currently an infantryman with the US Army. I fell out of a plane a few times after basic and they pinned jump wings on my chest. Then I deployed to Logar Province in the 'Stan for 12 months from 10-11. Came back and decided to go to SFAS. Got by on 85% balls and 15% hydration salts and got selected on class 03-13.

As luck would have it I got hurt 3 weeks before my Q date and ended up getting some surgery too. Currently rebuilding my body with a new Q date of fall 2014. I came here to reap some knowledge and give back what I can.
Welcome to Shadow Spear, great folks here willing to share their knowledge and expertise if you take the time to show that you are serious!
Thanks for the warm welcome folks. Rehab is going well; the hardest part is dealing with feeling like a little girl in the gym until I get my mojo back. Unfortunately my therapist wasn't very useful so I ended up doing most of my rehab myself by utilizing knowledgeable friends and extensive amounts of google-fu.

Firemedic: No, luckily I don't have to go through SFAS again. I'd have to turn the 'ol motivation bag inside out to get through it a second time but if I absolutely HAD to I would be in the next SFAS class as soon as I was able.

Squidward: Yeah, we worked out of the big FOB of the province. Did a lot of work all around Logar/Wardak... some trouble spots kept things interesting to say the least.
Already had my convalescent leave and I was released from the therapist about 3 weeks ago after some persuasion. I'll be PCSing in 5 months or so and I'm going to be training my arse off at my current station to be in adequate shape by then. I'm trying to strike a balance between racing against the clock and not risking injury but it's proving to be difficult.
Snapped my leg in Iraq. After surgery and a long rehab I made a slow comeback. Listen to the rehab folks. Don't push your body to hard to soon. I know it's hard not too, but if you do, it will only make it worse. Get healed then kick ass!! Best of luck and welcome.
Thanks for the support guys.

Unfortunately moderation and I don't get along too well but progress is being made; the game plan is to get my size and strength back and then to focus on endurance. I'm back up to 185# at 5'9" and my front squat and clean and jerk are back at 225# and 205# respectively... not great but getting there I guess. The upper body round robin is going to be my endurance benchmark with the addition of body weight strength and 2 mile times. I want to smoke the Q and not just pass it if that's even possible.

Self Benchmarks:


1:00 Pushups - 55 (minimum 40)
1:00 Situps - 55 (minimum 40)
Max Strict Pullups - 15 (minimum 6)
Max Dips - 25 (minimum 6)
80% Bodyweight Max Bench - 15 (minimum 6)
20' Weighted Vest Rope Climb - Go / No Go Event
1:00 Kip Ups - 25 (minimum 6)
5 Mile Run - Under 35:00 (maximum 40:00)
5 Mile 45# Ruck - Under 50:00 (maximum 75:00)

Strength 1RM's

1.5x Bodyweight Bench
1.0x Bodyweight Strict Press
2.0x Bodyweight Deadlift
2.5x Bodyweight Squat
(Total at current bodyweight: ~1,300#)

Other Benchmarks

2 Mile Run - Under 13:00
45# Ruck Pace - Under 14:00 Per Mile for 12+ Miles
25M Handstand Walk
8 Unbroken Muscle Ups on Flat Bar

It's going to be a long summer :thumbsup:
Couple of things because I can't find the damn edit button:

-It's supposed to be 2.5x BW Deadlift and 2.0x BW Squat. Got them bakwerds.
-Realistically speaking I'm probably not going to hit some of these goals but the majority of them are defintiely achievable (pullups and 1RM bench are the death of me).