

Verified SOF
Sep 8, 2014
SE Indiana
Honored members,
At this time I would recommend that you relieve your bladder and grab a fresh beer before I begin my manifesto.
I began my career in Dec of 82. After basic, Airborne and Pre-Regiment RIP at Fort Lewis I was "welcomed" to 1st Platoon Aco 2/75 in June of 83. As a Bad Muther I served in all positions from Rifleman, Grenadier, Fire Team leader and finally Squad Leader. My Ranger class was 11-84 For those old enough to remember, before Regt. and RRD each rifle company had a scout squad commonly called the God Squad. I was fortunate enough to be selected and that's where I got my cool guy schools; HALO, SOT, Jumpmaster and enough jumps to earn my Master Wings in 3 years.

The Alphabots of the early eighties are literally SOF legends. Names like Frank Kearney, Tony Thomas, K.K. Chinn, Scott Miller, Alfred G. Birch, Scott Breasseale, Jimmy "the Pick" Pickering and who could forget Daddy Scuba Klein.

I also want to state for the record that I am still disgruntled as hell for being a 2nd Batt private left behind during Operation Urgent Fury and spending the invasion playing hacky sack at Hunter Army Airfield.

After 4 years I left active duty and became a member of Cco 2nd Bn 11th SFGA of the Reserves. Not a lot to talk about here. I was in college, working a full time job and had the Q-Course to attend. A toxic command pretty much convinced me to punch out in "88" after that 2 year commitment was complete.

I remained a civilian until a work friend convinced me to join the 151st Inf Det (LRSD) of the Indiana National Guard in 1991. I served as ATL, TL and then in 1998 became the Detachment Sergeant. I along with 40 other members of the LRS were attached to the 76th IBCT and deployed to OEF in support of Task Force Phoenix. There I served on an Embedded Training Team as a Infantry company mentor.
In 2007 I hit my 20 good years and after what I'll call extreme external pressure I retired.

Fast forward to 2009 and the extreme pressure decided I was a nicer person in uniform than out. After a lengthy process I reentered the Indiana Guard and by the grace of God got my old job back of what was now Cco 2-152 (LRSC).

In 2011 Abram's Charter finally caught up to me and I was moved to C Troop 1-152, and it's still hard to say this, CAV. That is my current home as the Troop 1SG.

I apologize for the long winded message but didn't know have to truncate over 30 years worth of service.
Thank you for your time.
Welcome aboard. I think we may have meet during one of your drills back in '07 time frame.