

Sep 22, 2013
Seattle, WA
My name is Adrian and I'm an 18 year old high school senior in Seattle who is considering attempting to serve in a special operations force. The branch and specific SOF I haven't yet decided on and will do so closer to my time of enlistment after inquiring more information about my options. I'm here on the forums for the purpose of gathering more information, asking constructive and relevant questions, and simply having more interaction with a great community of people.
Another Pacific Northwest member, welcome.

I hope you're ready for the gray weather. Sunshine and warm weather is about to become a distant memory.


ARRRGHHH!!! It already has, Fall fell yesterday....

Wizadri- look through some of the other introductions, so you know what not to do... read the instructions to new members, twice, and follow instructions.... don't argue with moderators, and look at profiles before you say anything that might bite you in the ass... Besides that... enjoy your stay and remember you are an 18 y/o, be an 18 y/o in real life... girls are better than computers...
Welcome to SS, Adrian.

You the time have to make an informed decision, now you have a tool to help in that decision. Read lots, as there is much to process.
Welcome to SS. Take advantage of the treasure trove of experience available on this site. You'll find it often applies to all facets of life both inside and outside of the service.
I am a high school senior strongly considering enlisting in the military to serve in a special operations force (or attempting to become a 0321 in the Marine Corps). I've been interested in serving in the military for about 4 years and have done extensive research and thorough physical preparation for my possible future in a SOF. I'm here at to gather as much knowledge as possible to best prepare myself for my goals.
I am a high school senior strongly considering enlisting in the military to serve in a special operations force (or attempting to become a 0321 in the Marine Corps). I've been interested in serving in the military for about 4 years and have done extensive research and thorough physical preparation for my possible future in a SOF. I'm here at to gather as much knowledge as possible to best prepare myself for my goals.

You posted an intro a week ago. Did you forget?