

Nov 15, 2015
Hey y'all,

My name is Kendall and I'm an Air Traffic Controller(RAPCON) in the Air Force and have been so for almost 4 years now. I'm 24, from Oklahoma, and have been stationed at Dover AFB and now Cannon.

I was an Army JROTC nerd all four years of high school, as well as a cross country and track runner, and took a full-ride scholarship to Cameron University in Lawton, OK for Army ROTC. Partied my way out of school and found myself in an Air Force recruiters office. As much as I love being ATC, I'm getting pretty tired of sitting in a dark room all day. I'm an outdoorsy guy by nature, being stuck inside most of the day is sucking the life out of me.

Looking to make the jump to TACP/JTAC or CCT in the next year or two. CCT if I can get more proficient in the pool.

Anyways, I look forward to being a member of the forum and soaking up as much knowledge as possible from everyone.

Welcome! I like your intro and wish you the best of success - it seems in past months I've seen more threads about "TACP/JTAC or CCT" than almost any other specialty. Be sure to check out the search function (upper right corner) and run those initials thru the system..."lots" to be found!
Great intro.... I followed a similar path as you, but went into the FAA and never left that dark room. I don't know you well enough to tell you what's right for you, but I can give you my perspective or where I did right and wrong by me. Best of luck, search and crawl all over the sight, find a mentor, and drive on. Great idea on finding someone to work in the pool with, but remember just having someone there isn't the same as a lifeguard, and some of the drown proofing and pool work should not be practiced without highly qualified people present.