

Aug 27, 2016
My father, Charles E. Trigg (Mayview Mo.) served, U.S Army; 101st Airborne Assault, Screaming Eagles, 62-65. He passed, 3 years ago this October. Since then I've been lost and on a one way road to destruction, until some of his real friends kind of pulled me up short..the hard way as it were. Those same vets, and recent vets, have been doing their best to get me to snap out of that mode, and I finally got it. Long story short, I owe a debt I can never repay in full, and I rarely trust anyone outside of Military or military families for my own reasons. A few friends showed this site to me, and it looks like a place for good solid advice that I really really need now, as I am fighting to gain entry to the U.S Army, yep, 101st Airborne Assault, just like my father in honor of him.
Thank you all, however, luck has nothing on me. My father taught me everything he knew I would need, and mostly, a deep seeded relentless drive and will to win at almost any cost. He called it "PitBull mentality" and I have it, 1000%. Figured out the "criminal record" part of my issue. Time to check in with a recruiter tomorrow, thinking it may take an hour or more, after I talk with a solid lawyer. I did not figure this out on my own by far. My father( Thank you father, I love you and miss you very much) and every oath keeper that helped, thank you all!
Okay, I may be a little lead footed; and forgot to add brakes; and hook up the E brake; and am using Liquid Rocket Fuel; oh well, Appologies Father, somethings never change lol. Time to ease into this approach so I get it right the er, second time round, as it were.