

Jun 7, 2017
Chesapeake, Virginia
Good afternoon,

First and foremost, thank you for the work you have done to create this wealth of information. I made the decision to train for and eventually join the military a year ago. Since that time, this website has provided extensive information that has helped me travel toward that end.

As my name may have suggested, I am from the Hampton Roads area. My father was an Army officer who retired shortly after I was born. We moved to Hampton Roads so my father could pursue a legal degree, and we have remained here thus far.

Growing up I loved the military and contemplated following my father’s footsteps. During my junior year in high school, I decided to go to college first. I graduated from college in 2014.

During my summer breaks, I interned at a law firm. While I enjoyed the experience, I knew I wanted to do something else with my life. Having graduated, I attempted to find other employment opportunities with no success. Currently I am working for the same firm that I interned with the understanding that it is a temporary position.

My desire to join the military has never gone away. I am a team player and a people person. I have played sports throughout my life. The memories and relationships I have cherished the most were forged in that environment.

Two specific missions appeal to me within the military community: 1) direct action and 2) intelligence, specifically human intelligence. I am currently leaning strongly in the direction of the Department of the Navy (DON). I had written off the Marine Core until recently. Having worked out with a few of them within the past year and reading some of the posts from Marines on this site (specifically Teufel and Ooh-Rah), I know that simply becoming a Marine is an intense challenge and a goal worth pursuing. I am also interested in the Naval Special Warfare portion of the Navy.

I apologize for my long-winded introduction. My goal on this site is primarily to soak up wisdom while deciding whether I want to join the Navy or the Marines. My deadline for that decision is September. When that decision is finalized, I would like to enroll in the SOF Mentor Program.

Thank you for your time.
Welcome aboard! Best of success to you on your future goals and objectives.