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May 3, 2018
Hey everyone, so I got off on the wrong foot. My previous username was bluefalcon67 on another account, my attempt at being funny backfired with my ass getting chewed out with it being somewhat of a trolling username which I understand and the fact that I posted in the help section not the intro section. Therefore, I made a new account to get a fresh start and get it right this time, so here it goes. I’m in the process of joining the army, there aren’t any more option 40 contracts available right now, so I most likely will be leaving in October when the fiscal year ends and new contracts come out. I graudated high school in 2017, and after some inner turmoil of whether or not I wanted to go college first or enlist. I decided I’d test out the college life. With the year winding down, it was a good experience, but I felt like I was stagnant almost and wasn’t really doing what I wanted. So I made the choice, and decided I wanted to enlist. I’m interested in becoming a ranger, and hope this community could help me with any questions I have with the process. Finally, thank you to all those who have served/serving. There aren’t not enough words to express my gratitude to those that protect us and our freedoms.

No sorry, does not work that way. There are no "do overs" in life because you cannot follow rules.

Create an intro under your original account, and request a screen name change if you choose.

DO NOT make another post under this screen name.

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