

Oct 8, 2018
hi, new member here. I'm 23 current paramedic and college student, looking to go to med school and become part of the SOSTs. 23 looking to go to med school fall of 2021. worried about age as most likely ill be in my 30s by the time I'm done with residency. would welcome all advice and insight into vetting, what its like, what to expect at the selection, and what its like during rotations on a SOST.
not worried about being a doctor part worried about being 30 and trying to go through a selection process.
I recently went thru SOST selection and everyone was in their 30s or older. One of the guys was in his 40s and one was in his 50s. They both did very well. The selection was challenging but short. Since SOST members are not operators, the selection isn't nearly the same level as SOF groups.
thanks, this does help, also what makes SOST SOF support?
SOST provides medical care in the austere environment including damage control surgery and critical care transport to whatever SOF unit wants to have them around in case things go south on an op.