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Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario
Good afternoon,

Well, to be honest, I really dislike writing introductions, simply because I don't know what to say. Well, I'm a civilian, firearm/weapon/martial/military arts enthusiast. I practice a traditional style of Kung Fu (southern tiger, shaolin style, if that says anything...). I've covered/learned the majority of traditional Chinese weapons (staff, spear, swords, "horse cutter" etc). I've recently realized firearms shouldn't be ignored as a weapon. Not that I thought that they're useless or anything like that, but a sword is pretty bad a** on its own... if you know what I mean. So now I've been bit by a bug. And one I can now afford! I had been looking for dry firing drills, stumbled upon this site, and I was amazed.

I've always been a military enthusiast, my grandfather had gone to France (WWII) and I was always up for a story, when he felt like it... sadly/egotistically it wasn't often enough, but you can't blame him for that. Only respect more. With that said, I have profound respect for the men and women in service and I wish I had the "cojones" to join up. Almost every week I think about walking in the recruitment center, practically across the street from where I work. But I'm scared of what I don't know and it's holding me back. maybe it's better that way... Maybe you all can convince me otherwise. ;)

Anyways, for someone that "never knows what to say", I think I've said enough.. I won't be posting much, since I'm more here to learn and I don't know much, but if I have a question or 2, I hope the collective wisdom can give me answer.

OH! one last thing, I've always wanted to say this to you folks in service. THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO! As much flak as you guys may get from the public/politicians, it's really appreciated. Plus, its gotta be a really cool job. MUCH better than pushing paper.

But I'm scared of what I don't know and it's holding me back. maybe it's better that way...

Trust me, ignorance is bliss. lol

You just have to do it.


I used to practice Wing Chun, thought it was great but I kinda moved into more practical things like throwing beer bottles :cool:
Welcome, the unknown was what drew me to it. Join the military, travel the world, meet new and exciting people and kill them. Or in my case Join the Navy, see the world.......I stayed in Southern California the entire damn time, never set foot on a ship. I was......and still am pissed about that.
never set foot on a ship. I was......and still am pissed about that.

I meet a Navy guy in the Army, said he was a submariner, I asked him what it was like to sail on a sub, he said, "The boat was in dry dock the entire time of my enlistment, I wouldn't know :( "

Crazy concept to me.
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