
Arrow 4

Civil Affairs
Verified SOF
Oct 13, 2010
Bush Valley
Hey guys, my name is Pat I served AD Army as an MP/MPI from 1980 - 85. I came back in (Reserves) 17 years 360 days after getting out the first time. I reclasssed to Civil Affairs with the 492nd, 360th Bgd and served with A 403 CA in Al Saydiyah/FOB Falcon 04 - 05.

Civilian side I spent 23 years as a cop including time as TL on a full time SWAT Team. I currently am a Technical Rep. for SureFire & Trijicon.


Arrow 4
I reclasssed to Civil Affairs with the 492nd, 360th Bgd and served with A 403 CA in Al Saydiyah/FOB Falcon 04 - 05.

We lost a guntruck right outside FOB Falcon in 05, we were taking a PSYOP team back there after a raid in the Hifa St area. Did you ever work with TF 1-153 aka TF Warrior?

Welcome to ShadowSpear.
Hey J.A.B. I was at Falcon from end of Sept. 04 to end of June 05. Supported 1/21 FA until 3rd ID replaced 1st Cav. The PSYOP guys were on the same rotation as us. What month did you loose the guntruck?

Arrow 4
Hey J.A.B. I was at Falcon from end of Sept. 04 to end of June 05. Supported 1/21 FA until 3rd ID replaced 1st Cav. The PSYOP guys were on the same rotation as us. What month did you loose the guntruck?

Arrow 4

I want to say it was March 05, we rolled out in April 05 we were the Dragon 2 element of TF warrior. PSYOP team Mavrick I believe was the team with us, SGT Morales, SGT Powers and can't remember the other guys name. We use to take the CA guys out to meet and greets every so often but mainly we had to take PSYOP for almost all our raids and deny-disrupt stuff. Our A/O was Hifa, but we spent some time in North Nijaf in the summer of 04. I would not be suprized if we were on a few missions together...... At least we spent the some time in the same A/O's around the same time frame.
I wouldn't be surprised if we did! The PSYOP Team Sgt. at Falcon while I was there was a SSG Josh Genari (Not sure if I spelled that correctly or not) Good guys!
FireMedic, this job is like being an addict and selling dope...I spend more money now on gear than I ever have, but hey, what's money for? If you like SureFire lights you should try their suppressors....pure sweetness, ecspecially on a .308!

Arrow 4

+1 on the Surefire fan. Actually getting to the point I carry it even after working hours...
Let's keep this to intro and welcomes. Trade war stories via PM or start a new thread.

Welcome aboard!