iPhone 8 (coming soon...might as well start the discussion)


Sep 12, 2012
I guess the first and most important question is, will you shell out a grand to get one?

My 6s is in perfect condition; so while I know they will give me a few hundred dollars for it towards an 8, do I really want to do an upgrade?

Usually I'm a sucker for everything Apple, but I've learned to wait for the 'S' version of their products to come out.

Likely I will let the hype die down, and the inventory increase back up, before pulling the trigger. What say the rest of you Apple fans?

Does the major price hike preclude you from upgrading, or are you "in" as soon as they are available?

Apple's forthcoming iPhone 8 will reportedly cost $999
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I had an S6 Edge and was planning to keep it for many years. Then I took it swimming in the ocean for about an hour and suddenly needed a new phone. I went back and forth about waiting for the iPhone 8 but I don't own anything Apple so it would defeat the interoperability purpose. I went with an S8 Plus and like it, but not love it.
Here's the iPhone 8 rollout:

1. Fanboys lose their shit and hail it was the greatest thing ever.
2. Nerd media generally piles on with the above minus a handful of writers who are actually journalists and impartial.
3. Lines around the block at Apple stores, online store is looted within minutes.
4. Some major brickage occurs like it has for just about every iPhone model.
5. Fanboys lose their shit. Apple haters say "I told you so."
6. Apple issues a half-assed apology, talks about its commitment to the consumer, blah, blah.
7. Issues fixed or a workaround is created.
8. Fanboys forget any of the above happened and return to sucking on Jobs' dead dick.
9. See 1-8 for the iPhone 9.
Here's the iPhone 8 rollout:

1. Fanboys lose their shit and hail it was the greatest thing ever.
2. Nerd media generally piles on with the above minus a handful of writers who are actually journalists and impartial.
3. Lines around the block at Apple stores, online store is looted within minutes.
4. Some major brickage occurs like it has for just about every iPhone model.
5. Fanboys lose their shit. Apple haters say "I told you so."
6. Apple issues a half-assed apology, talks about its commitment to the consumer, blah, blah.
7. Issues fixed or a workaround is created.
8. Fanboys forget any of the above happened and return to sucking on Jobs' dead dick.
9. See 1-8 for the iPhone 9.

You missed 8b:
Apple releases 8s a year later and those with 6 and 7's who waited, are very pleased...like they are every other year when the 's' versions come out.

I've always believed in letting people do what makes them happy they may be dumbasses for doing it but in the end, it's their life. My question though is how can Apple go and act like this is some revolutionary step for smartphones when my S8 can do all of those things and Apple fanboys will clamor all over it and declare it as the next best thing since sliced bread?

Am I not understanding something completely or are people really this blind to what happens around them?
Am I not understanding something completely or are people really this blind to what happens around them?

You missed my question, which was....
Does the major price hike preclude you from upgrading, or are you "in" as soon as they are available?

If you're going to walk into my thread and call those of us who drink the Apple kool aid "dumbasses", and then "blind", at least do so in a witty way that does not make me feel hatred towards towards you. See @AWP 's post above.
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Sorry, I didn't mean for it come across as brash or ignorant as it did I should have taken the time to reread what I was typing instead of just word vomiting all over.

I was more amazed at how Apple was trying to spin it as if it's something new and never before seen. I guess my distaste was directed in a poor manner. My apologies.
I like my iPhone 6, but since its release I haven't seen any changes that I would consider an improvement. Certainly nothing that would cause me to part with a thousand dollars. Fuck that.
If these guys made something like a combination of their S28 and S15 models running on a newer/current version of Android (7.0+), it would be my next phone. I just think it's cool and checks a ton of boxes for me:
Shenzhen Outfone Technology Co., Ltd.

It would make an awesome DR/emergency capability phone; think hurricanes, large scale disaster, backcountry, etc. Lots of cool capabilities....all in a daily use package.
I like my iPhone 6, but since its release I haven't seen any changes that I would consider an improvement. Certainly nothing that would cause me to part with a thousand dollars. Fuck that.

That's my thoughts exactly. I dont see anything that my Galaxy S7 can't do already. Honestly, going into double digit model numbers; I expected something ground-breaking.

If these guys made something like a combination of their S28 and S15 models running on a newer/current version of Android (7.0+), it would be my next phone. I just think it's cool and checks a ton of boxes for me:
Shenzhen Outfone Technology Co., Ltd.

It would make an awesome DR/emergency capability phone; think hurricanes, large scale disaster, backcountry, etc. Lots of cool capabilities....all in a daily use package.

Now that I'd buy.