iPhone 8 (coming soon...might as well start the discussion)

I just don't understand how the iPhone can be as old as it is and not have a message indicator light (outside of using the camera's annoying flash).
It's...a phone! How amazing! But I will add it is the great price comparison tool of the age and therefore economically beneficial as it increases efficiency through technological change. But for the bucks? Nah, I always buy one generation back anyway; bugs are gone & the cost is lower.
I always figure that the price of something is an attempt to recoup R&D, but Apple really hasn't done anything that hasn't been done by someone else... Comes off as a complete money grab to find their utopian idea of a technocracy.

Remember that time when Apple needed a software company to pull it out of debt?
I guess the first and most important question is, will you shell out a grand to get one?

My 6s is in perfect condition; so while I know they will give me a few hundred dollars for it towards an 8, do I really want to do an upgrade?

Usually I'm a sucker for everything Apple, but I've learned to wait for the 'S' version of their products to come out.

Likely I will let the hype die down, and the inventory increase back up, before pulling the trigger. What say the rest of you Apple fans?

Does the major price hike preclude you from upgrading, or are you "in" as soon as they are available?

Apple's forthcoming iPhone 8 will reportedly cost $999
I think the "x" is the one that's going to be a grand. And if you break it down it's only an extra 83 dollars a month if your carrier allows payment plans.
Any thoughts on the watch?

I'm going to keep my 6s for a while longer, but am seriously considering upgrading from first generation watch to the 3rd. Especially like the water resistance and additional functionality.

To add - I don't get why folks spend all the extra money just to get the stainless steel. I've had a black aluminium since they first came out and barely a scratch on the thing...which makes me wish even more that "they'd" give something toward it for a trade-up.

If you really wanted a phone watch you could have gotten one from China in 2008. For the most part there really wasn't much of an upgrade with that watch unless the wrist HR is drastically better. If it is that could snag some folks in the multi-sport community. But if you use it a bunch it lasts a day based on this:
Very much in the Apple camp. We never upgrade devices until they become unreliable. I feel iPhones are designed to be replaced. So that's my only gripe when it comes to Apple is the battery related issues that feel well before their time.

So no, I would not upgrade as soon as it's available. As long as I can be guaranteed a two hour window on my iPhone 6S for runs where I have music and a couple of GPS apps running, then I'll keep it. I'll just have to keep carrying the battery pack and cable for longer adventures... :(

However, my Quadlock case is married to my iPhone. I bought it for the great mount system (bike), but the case it's also sleek and tough. I drop my phone often and so far it's never broken. Wouldn't trust myself with a new phone unless I was certain the associated Quadlock was out.

I have an iPad, I love my iPad. The drawing apps with the stylus is fabulous.

I still haven't felt a compelling reason to buy the Apple Watch. I just had a quick look now and it looks like it will do what I'd need it to do for a run. But if I have to fiddle with settings to sync this and that, I think I'll just bring the whole phone with me. I've invested in enough clothes that have pockets that hold my iPhone!

Not sure how I feel about this removal of the home button. I'm not a gadget person, I don't like change on a device level.
Is there really a point to Jailbreak anymore?

Not really sure. I went to defcon this year and they had a talk about jailbreaking the iWatch.. Think the reasoning was.. Just because they could.

That aside.. Reason I prefer android device is because of root and sudo. Device functions just fine without, but I like the customizability. I'm guessing it's the same with jailbreaking.
I gave up attempting to jailbreak iPhones once the 5S came out. For the most part they do everything I need them to do now.