In the amount of time it took you to type up your post, you could have paid attention to what you were reading, seen its quoting a wall Street journal report, and quoting inspectors themselves.
It's known that all of them were not turned over, with reports coming out every 6 months or so on it. What is new is the revelation that the inspectors, by what is apparently their own admission, knew assad was holding back, and not revealing facilities, but tiptoes around so as not to offend assad and tank the whole deal.
Thus is highly relevant to Iran, and not only because Syria is Iran's bitch. It's relevant because this administration wants this deal so bad, and we already know they're playing games with the 'secret annexes'. There aren't supposed to be us inspectors on the iaea teams in Iran, the iaea has already made side agreements with Iran, and based on past history in Syria, violations were brushed under the carpet for whatever agenda was desirable at the time.
It's known that all of them were not turned over, with reports coming out every 6 months or so on it. What is new is the revelation that the inspectors, by what is apparently their own admission, knew assad was holding back, and not revealing facilities, but tiptoes around so as not to offend assad and tank the whole deal.
Thus is highly relevant to Iran, and not only because Syria is Iran's bitch. It's relevant because this administration wants this deal so bad, and we already know they're playing games with the 'secret annexes'. There aren't supposed to be us inspectors on the iaea teams in Iran, the iaea has already made side agreements with Iran, and based on past history in Syria, violations were brushed under the carpet for whatever agenda was desirable at the time.
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