
I like this one, don't know why, not action, no "HSLD" stuff, just seems cool to me.:)
courtesey of me.

Max Power said:"Go crazy..??"
"Don't mind if I do!"
On topic, I love the truck that they have, if only it was a Dodge instead of Ford. Oh well.
I knew I forgot a photo:doh:The ARW hastily bought Land rover defender 90s when they got deployed to Liberia as the F-350s hadn't arrived in time.(picture courtesy of Apod on Mp.net)
The ARW hastily bought Land rover defender 90s when they got deployed to Liberia as the F-350s hadn't arrived in time.(picture courtesy of Apod on Mp.net)
mutter said:Irish, do you know if they are replacing the AUG with another rifle, it's been mentioned on IMO a few times that the HK416 is going to replace it....true or not?:uhh:
mutter said:ok:) ,just looking at the photos over the years, their gear seems to have changed quite a bit over that time?, newer better faster stronger I suppose.:cool:
These guys are scared stiff!!!
great pics, thanks for posting.
Not True....they're not going to replace a perfectly good Rifle for a long time to come...