Irish Army Ranger Wing (ARW)Photos


Has to be the most inspirational/motivational picture I have ever seen..defo going up on my wall..keep me training;)

Very interesting, in the footage the Commander claims that there will be Canadians serving with the New Zealand Battalion. I haven't heard of any Canadians going on that mission but we might have Officers employed with the NZ Unit as part of the Officer Exchange Program (can't remember what it's called officially).
I saw the full version

Curse you!!:)

Was it good,or was it just like current DF recruitment vids?
They used to tour barracks to try and get the word out about selection/unit??Never knew that
Off course it was good!.. nothing like the DF recruitment Vids.. Very much HSLD!! lol

You bragging? :D lol

Not bragging...........................................................alright...yeah I am lol
Seeing glasses like those worn by the O/C of mission brings back frightening memories of family events!..ah..they were the good days,the 90's.Then came the paralysing fear of Y2K!

Got any pics of the PR photo shoot w/ Bertie during the week?
Irish, there was a pic of a guy climbing a way back, where was it? Looks like a good climb or is he a metre off the deck?