Israeli spy ring in Christchurch

Keep your enemies close, and your friends closer...

And anyone who thinks we dont spy on Israel has their blinders on as well...

They know, we know they know, and they know we know they know; everyone knows...
Yeah but if there are people that they're interested in here then they're hardly likely to tell us, are they?
on the flip side.. if they were investigating HVTs in NZ - they wouldn't send these kids, but rather seasoned Mossad officers.
Dude, are you on crack? :-| Who would they be going after, Bilbo Baggins? Sauron? Gollum? or the millions of sheep roaming the hills?:confused: It's friggin NZ.... hobbits, drunks, Maori and sheep... tell me which of them is the HVT, please:-/.

i meant guys hiding out - such as Jemaah Islamiya
The first rule of Fight Club is......

Ironic that finding a bunch of passports automatically gets a nod to Mossad. Gosh, why not point to Jason Bourne or James Bond?

Because there's NO civilians that EVER would be caught with a lot of passports, especially not civilians who are in the business of manufacturing 'documents'.

Sure there's a newsworthy or interesting nugget in that situation somewhere...but the story as printed doesn't seem to be 'it' (IMHO).
My feeling is that they were recruits. They were met by a "consular official" but this was after the Ambassador announced they were trying to get someone down there to help out the local Israelis.
It would be interesting turning up at Customs with a Passport in the name of Bilbo Baggins...Oi vei! Imagine the headlines "Hobbit kills Mullah Omar".