I've decided to join the army.


I did exactly what a lot of these guys are telling you 23 years ago. I join on what the called at the time an "unassigned Ranger contract" and ended up in 3rd Bat. I went SF after we got back from JUST CAUSE and can tell you from experience that I was heads and tail above most of the other guys tactically and with fieldcraft.

The Intel and Medic stuff sounds cool, but let me tell you, you want to be an 11B in Battalion. You will get to do more and have a more well rounded experience from that position. DON'T take a support MOS up front...

Then when you go SF you can go 18D or eventually get 18F... If your MOS doesn't start with a "1" then you don't want it... and the only ones in the Rangers are "11" and "13" but you don't want to be a Forward Observer...

Best of luck!!! RLTW, De Oppresso Liber

Curious, what's the issue with the 13 series MOS?

Nothing... fucking love em. But if you want to do the deal in Regiment you need to be an 11B, that's where the fun is. Besides, if you decide to stay in Regiment, you will be limited to E-6 as a 13F... after that you have to leave unless you get that one slot per batallion.
Dude, really?
What exactly are you looking for? Do you want a SOF career or do you want to ride a desk? Nothing wrong with riding a desk but I thought you were thinking about SOF. Think long and hard about what your goals really are before you make any decisions... this moment will define the rest of your life.

I want to be apart of the SOF community, I want to be a shooter. But at the same time my family is pushing me to get a job that I can use in the world outside of the military. So thats my problem otherwise I would go 11B. I've always been into the medical field thats why I was thinking of doing the medic option.
I want to be apart of the SOF community, I want to be a shooter. But at the same time my family is pushing me to get a job that I can use in the world outside of the military. So thats my problem otherwise I would go 11B. I've always been into the medical field thats why I was thinking of doing the medic option.

Go be a shooter; then go to school and get civillian skills.
You can join the military for job skills and spend four years hating life by being a FOBBIT, or you can be an operator and live life to the max.
Your choice.
Go be a shooter; then go to school and get civillian skills.
You can join the military for job skills and spend four years hating life by being a FOBBIT, or you can be an operator and live life to the max.
Your choice.

Seriously, Blue, listen to SOWT.

My family told me the samething. Luckily, I didn't listen to them. I went to Regt as a shooter and loved every minute of it.

Besides, the best skills that transfer from the military world to the civilian world are self-discipline and attention-to-detail. Trust me, Regt will hammer these into you with a large blunt object (your TmLdr's boot)

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Thanks for all the advice guys, I think I know what I'm going to do now. I just need to think of a way to tell my fam. As of right now I'm just worried about getting in better shape. But anyway thanks for all the advice.
Curious, what's the issue with the 13 series MOS?

Nothing wrong with 13 series guys... But they were still considered "support" back when I was in 3/75. If I had to be something besides and 11B in BAT I would be a 13F...

I want to be apart of the SOF community, I want to be a shooter. But at the same time my family is pushing me to get a job that I can use in the world outside of the military. So thats my problem otherwise I would go 11B. I've always been into the medical field thats why I was thinking of doing the medic option.

Blue, listen up...

You want a career, you are talking to a guy who has 23 years of service under his belt and if that ain't a career I don't know what is. I live in a $300,000+ house... Ain't too many people from where I grew up in the sticks living like that!!!

The Army will take care of you if you work for it... Trust me...
Well I talked it over with my family, and their cool with the military now. Now if I go with the medic option can I still get the option 40? Or is that only open for 11B?
hey now! I wasn't an 11B in Regiment and I still stood side by side with the shooters. I was a commo guy, and I served as a platoon RTO and GFC's RTO on literally countless missions. One deployment Regiment slutted me out to be an RTO for a JSOC liaison cell in Mosul for a little over a month. I was literally an RTO to an operator on missions that we went on with 25th ID.

Yeah, I regret not doing 11B sometimes, but at my enlistment, I just did not have that choice. I signed up with my buddy who I worked with at Winn Dixie, he was in line in front of me at MEPS, and got his 11Boption 40 contract, I was a few people after him in line, and was told the slots are full until December of 2003 (over a year later). So I went with commo. Ironically my friend quit RIP and ended up in the 82nd, along with the rest of the RIP failures, so he used up a perfectly good slot.

I learned a lot of things being a commo guy that I know I would not have experienced as an 11B.

All this shooter-only talk is starting to worry me in the sense that I plan to fight the good fight with the government when I graduate college in 6 months. You make it sound like that other post-military scuba ninja world is only 11Bs...
Hello Blue
No advice from me I was a squid. I listened to my parents Dad especially and joined the navy to stay out of Viet Nam. I completed A School and got orders to Camp Pendleton for weapons training. I was 17 and a cross country runner in school and went to the finals at Stanford. This Instructor was 4' nothing and could run backwards faster than I could run forward. I then was given orders to SERE school prisoner number 46. This training is still classified but let me say you leave a man capable of more than you ever thought. I went to PBR training and then did two yours in country as a volunteer. I tell you this because you need to listen to you. Having said all of this I delivered navy Teams and Army A Teams. Please understand with all my training I was only qualified to deliver SOF. When I picked them up I was always humbled. I believe this time with them drove me to become the best I could.

I stay in touch with some of them today and some have a permanent place on the wall. God Bless you for thinking of serving and remember the only thing that will hold you back is you.

To those that said civillian life is best served by your self discipline learned in the service offer some of the best advice I have ever heard. I got a promotion to director because of my shined shoes that was all that seperated the top two candidates.
Anyone know if it is at all possible to get a MI MOS and still get the option 40?
Hey Blue,
Congrats, on your decision. Its going to be a very challenging experience for you. Good luck! If you can get into the Ranger Battalion then go into special forces that would difinately give you some experience before going into special forces school. They need good Officers also in SF. Drop me a line if you can.

I am not sure about the option 40. I knew several guys that had guaranteed MI AIT then Airborne school contracts. What I AM sure is that if you go to MI as an ACTIVE DUTY Soldier your class will be visited by Ranger Regiment recruiters (and others). That is NOT a problem at all. You cannot be NG or Reserve. The recruiters do everything for you and make sure you get to Airborne, RIP and what not so you will have your orders before you come close to graduation. We had about 4 guys get starry eyed when Sgt Belli came knocking and as I recall none made it and served out the duration of their time with the 82nd.

The Regiment is actively recruiting for MI Soldiers that meet the APFT standard. There is a thread on AKO with the POC info.
Well I've been considering MI since my friends and family want me to do something that would help me if I leave the Army. Though all the people I've spoken to have told me to go 11B if I really want to be a shooter. So I'm pretty conflicted here, I want to be a professional soldier and I realize the burdens and hardships I'll have to endure. But at the same time I feel kind of pressured by my family to do something not dangerous.
While it's nice to have family support your decisions, YOU are the one that's going to have to live with that decision for the duration of your enlistment.

I think it's great you respect your family enough that their opinion is weighing so heavily on you. That being said, when you swear-in, that's it. You're an adult and it's going to be your ass on the line, not theirs.

If the idea of kicking doors is appealing but getting shot isn't, I have some bad news for you. There is not a single job in the Army that won't put your life in jeopardy. We are a nation at war and the US Army has always been the force that puts the most boots on the ground.

While a job in the TOC might mean you're less likely to make contact with the enemy, their mortars, RPGs, and VBIEDs are still going to be coming your way.

Given that, take input from where you value it, but the decision about what you want do HAS to be yours.

Good luck and thank you for stepping up if you choose to.