Joe Cortina... biggest poser ever

He is legit, I vouch for him

We went to MIT together for 17 degrees, bored with all the college chicks and homework we went to NASA with ideas for this international space station thingy....and Mars rovers which NASA loved....they made billions but money meant nothing to us.

After that life was so easy we decided to do the Military thing so we both joined up with 18X 40 option SEAL AFSOC Raider contracts and served as Para Troop Commanders then later Ambassadors for Embassies all over the World in some of the most scariest places like: Sweden, Finland, Brazil, and anywhere else the chicks are beautiful!

After 20 years We got bored with all the hot chicks and free booze so we went back to the Military and taught SEALs and MARSOC and Green Berets how to kill bad guys cause that's all we knew. All this time we never taught the Air Force anything cause honestly JC was always so jealous of their hair, and how good it always looked.

We separated a few months ago when he decided that money meant more then freedom, he got a gig over in the Middle East Training the ISIL and turned into a muslim. I hope his Quaran keeps him warm at night!!!!!

This is all true and even though I'm 23 this all happend!!!!!:die::dead:}:-)