John Wick 4 Discussion thread - No Spoilers Please


Sep 12, 2012
Starts on Thursday. I have tickets for Thursday night and Friday night.

I made the mistake of reading a spoiler thread and saw something I really really wish I had not seen. Avoid spoilers at all cost. You’ll understand when it happens.

What I am referring to has nothing to do with the fate of John Wick.
JW4 reminded me of the Star Wars prequels. Because I wanted to love them, I did. For a while.

Each Wick movie raises the action and the disbelieve a little more each time, tonight as he falls down the steps my 20 year old son said, “this is like a Loony Toons Cartoon”.

A good editor could have chopped an easy hour out of it and it would have been a tighter film.

A few thoughts…

- Stay away from spoilers if you can.
- Stay for the end-credits cut scene.
- Donnie Yen was worth the price of admission
- I wish they had cast Ken Watanabe as the leader of Japan’s hotel.

The first one will always hold a special place for me, it got me through a rough time and ‘for the most part’, you could kinda-sorta believe such a secret society existed right in front of us.

2 was a bit of a stretch at the end, it started when Winston gave the command and “EVERYONE” in the park walked away.

I’ll watch 4 again when I can stream it, it’s worth a seconds showing, but I’ll fast-forward through some of the lengthy fight scenes.
I have a confession. I have never seen the John Wick Series (never an entire movie) before this week.

My son and daughter were spending their spring break with us and my son loves the movies, so we crushed them in 3 consecutive days.

I love them for the same reason you all do, and have the same issues. Overall I’m pumped to see JW4, but holy crap the run time is an issue.
Overall I’m pumped to see JW4, but holy crap the run time is an issue.
Shockingly enough, you probably won’t notice the lengthy run time. Crazy how they make it work.

I think it helps if you watch 3 again (which you did) it makes everything make more sense.

Also, it was fun to see nunchaku added into the mix during one of the lengthy fight scenes!
Awesome movie I felt it fly by and the reference to one of the all time best movies (you know which one) was *chef’s kiss*
I was disappointed, fight scenes were too long. Guys in front of us laughed loudly when JW tumbled down the stairs.
One loose end that should have closed, but wasn't ( nobody).
3 out of 4 stars.
I loved it. What an ending. It had some amazing cinematography too, and that room to room “shoot house cat walk” view was something else.
Necro-ish post.

The supporting cast do not disappoint. The shoot house cat walk view was maybe the best part of the movie. The steps scene went on for about 9 hours too long. I thought maybe they were trying to get the stuntman a Guinness record or something. Yeah, the gunplay is a little out there, but it is John Wick, not a Lamb or Vickers shooting tutorial. Keanu is getting up there in years, so maybe it is time for Wick to get away from the table for good. The Mustang car chase nod was cool to see.
This doesn't spoil anything we haven't discussed above (for the 3-4 of you here who haven't seen the movie). This is the "shoot house" we're referencing. Notice how much of this was done in one take, a break or two, then other long takes. Mock the movie if you want, but a long take with this many moving parts is amazing.
