Karzai orders US special forces out of Afghan province


Verified SOF
Jul 22, 2008
The Afghan president has ordered US special forces to leave Wardak province within two weeks.


The decision was being taken due to allegations of disappearances and torture by Afghans considered to be part of US special forces, said a spokesman for Hamid Karzai. The strategically significant, central province of Wardak has been the recent focus of counter-insurgency operations. A US spokesman said it took all allegations of misconduct seriously. But he said he could not comment specifically on this latest development.

A statement released by the Afghan president's office said the decision to order the expulsion of US special forces had been taken at a meeting of the National Security Council. "After a thorough discussion, it became clear that armed individuals named as US special force stationed in Wardak province engage in harassing, annoying, torturing and even murdering innocent people," it said

"A recent example in the province is an incident in which nine people were disappeared in an operation by this suspicious force and in a separate incident a student was taken away at night from his home, whose tortured body with throat cut was found two days later under a bridge. "However, Americans reject having conducted any such operation and any involvement of their special force. "The meeting strongly noted that such actions have caused local public resentment and hatred."

In a hastily convened news conference, a presidential spokesman suggested many of the allegations centred on Afghan citizens he alleged were working with US special forces. "There are some individuals, some Afghans, who are working within these cells, within these [US] special forces groups" in Wardak province, said spokesman Aimal Faizi. "But they are part of US special forces according to our sources and according to our local officials working in the province," he said. He said all special forces must leave Wardak within two weeks.

All operations by international special forces in the province have also been ordered to stop with immediate effect. Wardak is seen as a gateway for the Taliban to target Kabul, says the BBC's Karen Allen in the capital. The accountability of US forces and local militia working with them has been a growing source of friction in Afghan-US relations. A week ago, Mr Karzai banned Afghan forces from calling in foreign air strikes on residential areas, following the deaths of 10 civilians in a night raid in eastern Kunar province.

Mr Karzai gave a blunt statement for the reasons for the ban. "Our forces ask for air support from foreigners and children get killed in an air strike," he said. The argument over accountability comes against a backdrop of long-term negotiations over which foreign forces will remain in Afghanistan after Nato's exit in 2014.

I'm not even surprised anymore. I'm sure that the Afghan history books will be rewritten to paint Karzai as a great hero who saved his country and pushed out the foreign invaders oppressing the poor Afghan folk. :-o
Stories from this country read like an Onion article.

Hopefully the Civil War will start after I leave this place.
I'm guessing Karzai made a deal with the Taliban to hand over control of Wardak to them as a show of good faith.
To the warriors and support in and around that province/aor, be safe.

The rumors and general situation is being covered by FOX and mentioned on CNN.
I wouldn't be surprised if Afghans working with our guys were doing this and we're taking the heat for it.
Which means the killing will continue after we leave, and Crook-zai won't be able to blame us for the killing.

This place is like the Balkans only without any civilization. These people will fight each other until time ends or one side miraculously kills off the other....and there will still be other tribes, clans, or ethnicities to fight here. Pashtun, Hazara, Tajik, Uzbek, and countless others, all with their own subsets of families and tribes makes for endless warfare.

We had a chance to unite this country back in '03/'04 or so, Karzai was well received by the masses, but they blew it and we gleefully helped. Whether we were ignorant, incompetent, both, or "other" remains to be seen, but that's for historians to decide.

Anyone who sees our Afghan adventure as anything other than a loss is delusional. At best we have a tie because we've beaten down AlQ and killed UBL, but by any other measuring stick we've failed. Worse than that is we haven't learned anything or what we've "learned" is incorrect. Like the emporer's new clothes we've convinced ourselves our TTP's and strategic vision and implementation were right. We've painted a wall red and convinced ourselves that the wall is actually a black and white checkerboard pattern. Anyone outside of this Bubble of Denial can see the wall for what it is, but not those in power.

Our civilian and military leadership have failed us and the Afghans. I hope that someday, some historian or scholar of note will be bold enough to admit as much and challenge the party line. Until then, the emporer's new clothes are stunning.
That area as well as the whole area we know as Mesopotamia has and always will be in some type of a "civil war". It is engrained into their psyche. Was it wrong for us to go in there and "try"? Absolutely not. It is however, as you alluded to a nice Armani suit for the emperor.....
I say bye Crook-zai, have your shit sandwich of a country back.
We could have "won" had Rummy/Bush not been so focused on Iraq, or unwilling to increase the size of the Military.

Thank God we didn't have a Major crises during the Clinton years, as his downsizing would have doomed us (and the South Koreans).