Lead Poisoning...Heads Up...

The Army Thought He Was Faking His Health Issues. Turns Out He Had Chronic Lead Poisoning.

....from inhaling airborne lead particles that are emitted from a weapon while it is firing, ingesting it when eating or smoking in a contaminated environment or from any other source...

...Some is filtered out and eliminated, and some is absorbed into the bones....

....But the lead that has been absorbed into cortical bone stays there for decades. And the concentration of lead in the bones increases with each subsequent exposure....

From what I gather via article and quick web research the US has been trying to adress that issue for several years now with Green Ammo. At least something is being done.

Otherwise, from an ignorant POV the short term solution seems to be to simply not consume any food / nutrition at the range and wear something that reduces lead inhalation / exposure when using 'normal' ammunition.