Sp/4 mafia!
and..... you ere the douchebag, errr, bagman.... for the SP4 mafia, right?

Sp/4 mafia!
Say hi to Bozko and Glock 19/gen 4 with tru glo fiber optic sights, Vickers mag. Floor plates and my old as fuck beret and boonie. Also in pic is the kydex holster from my bros company, Strongside Holsters. He does good work...
Here it is in the Fury.
M, thanks bro! I will take a look! Also, yes the pistol comes with three different backstraps as well as grip plates. The grip is very customizable!!Go to strongside holsters.com. Look up the type of holster you want. They sell VP9 holsters. My bro that I work with as a paramedic owns the company and many of the cops we work with around here use his company. Burbs of Philly. Lifetime warranty. Not expensive. Good American made company bro.
Are the grips on tight?New one I just got. Kimber Ultra TLE II w/ laser grips (.45 ACP). This is from the web site. I'll post a pic of the real one once the gunsmith figures out why the laser won't hold a zero. Kinda funny, I go onto the range to zero and after about 75 rounds I come out and say "it's all over the place." Everyone looks at me like I'm stupid and just can't shoot... and the manager goes on the range with it. About half an hour later he comes off the range and the first words out of his mouth "it's all over the place". It's a tack driver through the iron sights, it's the laser that has an issue. This will be my new EDC once we get it hitting what I aim at. The commander that I currently carry is just too bulky and prints too much.
View attachment 13215
Are the grips on tight?
If so I'd contact CT and ask to exchange lasers.
My wife had the Ultra Covert II, good shooter.
Nothing major or exciting. 2x Norincos (SKS "Para" and M305/M14 copy). I've a Marlin .22 in the cupboard too but I couldn't be arsed taking it out when I took this photo.
Have you had issues with the M305? A friend has one and upgraded the op rod spring guide. I might get one for a cheap bush deer gun.
Nothing major or exciting. 2x Norincos (SKS "Para" and M305/M14 copy). I've a Marlin .22 in the cupboard too but I couldn't be arsed taking it out when I took this photo.
Look at the CTC Users Guide, they use to factory zero the lasers at 50Yd.OK, so laser is now good. Took the guy two hours to get it to actually hold a zero. Multiple reseatings of the grips mostly. Trigger to 4 lbs, everything else is good right from the factory. All the 1911 "reliability" fixes are already in place with Kimbers.
Here it is...
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View attachment 13222
2" shot group at 25y supported using the laser. I like the way these work. In the pic just above you can see the on/off switch for the laser. If you look close you can see the activation button just below the mag release. The button sits directly under the middle finger when you are holding it in a good grip. The pressure it takes for the grip safety to engage is also exactly the amount of pressure for the laser. This makes shooting offhand with the laser pretty straight forward.