Look at the CTC Users Guide, they use to factory zero the lasers at 50Yd.
I saw that. The range is only 25 though, best we could do.
Look at the CTC Users Guide, they use to factory zero the lasers at 50Yd.
My .308 target rifle.
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Have you had issues with the M305? A friend has one and upgraded the op rod spring guide. I might get one for a cheap bush deer gun.
When I was last in New Zealand I went to a range and used one. It jammed and exploded while a friend was using it, totally fucked.
I suspect he loaded a different round into the magazine but don't know for sure.
My experience with Norinco's in the past has always been positive. Shame they can't trade here now.
I've got the SKS para model as well. One of my favorites.
The Norinco M14 is nice as well.
From what I've read the Chinese receiver is better than the original M14s. I forget the reason I think it might have been a better quality steel.
I find that very hard to believe...
1. About 10 years ago a customer sent in a Federal Ordnance M14 that had “blown up” for us to perform a tech inspection. Shooter was okay. Federal Ordnance, now defunct, produced thousands of a very poor quality receivers (poor geometry, but good material & good heat treat), that was machined from a casting and had digested one of those infamous CBC 75 .308 cartridges that produces “in excess of 140,000 copper units” of chamber pressure (nominal is 50,000). This CBC 75 ammo blew up, and continues to blow up, any and every rifle that see’s that 140,000 CUP. Here’s the interesting part: The receiver held. There was a partial crack in the receiver below the right locking lug of the receiver, but it did not detach or fail. The locking lugs of the receiver were untouched, the locking lugs of the TRW bolt had been impressed into the receiver’s lugs by something like 10,000ths of an inch; huge depressions in both the right & left bolt lugs. The bolt held. The barrel was in perfect shape. So, what “blew up”? The case failed, released the gasses into the mag well, peeled the bottom of the bolt away, inflated the magazine and blew the stock apart. A poorly machined cast receiver, even with poor geometry, but with proper heat treat & proper material, is vastly stronger than the rest of the system.
2. About 20 years ago we inspected an original USGI forged M14 receiver that had blown apart into 4 pieces on the firing line at The National Matches, Camp Perry, OH. Shooter was knocked out, but fine otherwise. So, why did the USGI M14 blow apart in 4 pieces? Bad receiver? No (good geometry, good material, good heat treat). Bad ammo? No (issue LC). Bad assembly techniques? No (well built rifle). Bad bolt? No. What then? The barrel failed due to bad lot of steel. The heavy match barrel had split from the chamber mouth down to the heavy oversize op rod guide. When the barrel split open wide at the receiver ring it introduced lateral forces to the receiver ring, and split it apart like an axe splitting firewood. M14 receiver rings are not designed to take chamber pressures nor lateral forces, no matter how they are made.
These, and many other failures over the decades demonstrated to us, in a very hands on way, the same thing Col. Hatcher found in his destructive testing of the M1 Garand receiver: That J.C. Garand’s receiver design is so remarkably strong that inevitably some other part of the rifle system will fail long before the receiver, providing it has good geometry, good material and good heat treat. Cast, forged or billet.
Ok, disregard. I'm an idiot. I looked back over it, and I misread the point of the post. I guess that's why I'm injineering, and not English major. I swear, I never get a chance to put my major to good use.
Not to get OT from Pardus' information, but I figured I'd toss some pics of some new buddies in the mix.
Nice build.
So, what are the "Specs" on your "Buddies?"
I have YHM flash hiders and am very happy with them.My first AR build in nearly 20 years. The lower is a PSA and so are the internals. Hardware is mostly Magpul, the exception being the B5 enhanced SOCOM butt stock. I had a Magpul MOE and it was nice but the B5 offers a much better cheek weld for me. The upper is an Adams Arms 16 inch mid block tactical evo upper. I did not build that. It came in box straight from Adams. It's my first piston AR, so we'll see. I'd like to swap out the flash hider with something as bit better. Suggestions?? Oh, the Magpul sights are nice but I'm squirreling away OT money for an ACOG.
View attachment 13264
I find that very hard to believe...
Great post, thanks.
A new 1911 joins the family. Rust bluing is a pain in the ass by the way...
Honestly, the A2 isn't a horrible flash hider/suppressor and it's inexpensive. The YHM Phantom does a very nice job (I have it on mine) but Smith Enterprise's Vortex is probably still most often viewed as the "best" flash hider. The YHM may be slightly more versatile in balancing flash hider and with a little muzzle braking along with the option for of threading a silencer. Anyway, the Phantom and Vortex are the two I'd consider for upgrades, probably can't go wrong with either (personal preference).I'd like to swap out the flash hider with something as bit better. Suggestions??
I agree; stock A2 ain't bad. YHM is a nice option as well, but for max flash hiding, the AAC Blackout Flash Hider, available in non-mount and mount options, is an amazing offering. You can find them significantly cheaper than AAC's actual prices with some regularity as well, so they're a nice buy.Honestly, the A2 isn't a horrible flash hider/suppressor and it's inexpensive. The YHM Phantom does a very nice job (I have it on mine) but Smith Enterprise's Vortex is probably still most often viewed as the "best" flash hider. The YHM may be slightly more versatile in balancing flash hider and with a little muzzle braking along with the option for of threading a silencer. Anyway, the Phantom and Vortex are the two I'd consider for upgrades, probably can't go wrong with either (personal preference).
A few test videos, fwiw:
and the redneck comparo...