Wall hanger score find, $100.
That's just crazy talk right there, lol.Let the fun begin. The accessories cost more than the actual "find".
You can't just mention a rare AR10 and .243 in the same sentence without posting pics, that's just mean, man.My current meager collection. Minus the Shotties and the 10/22 ruger and the 243 caliber AR 10.
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Let me find a pic or take a pic of the 243.You can't just mention a rare AR10 and .243 in the same sentence without posting pics, that's just mean, man.
Agreed brother. I love the MP5 and it is an awesome suppressor host.I should invest in a suppressor. I have wanted to, just hate the paperwork.
@Bypass , great pic. I love me some "classics" like the M14 and the HK MP5. I have not shot the M14, but have a good amount of time with a 9mm and .45 MP5. Best 9mm SMG, ever.
Nah brother. If my scope fails I will dump the gun. I have a back up. I am weird about things that can get hung up and come loose on my firearms and cause me to miss. If that is the Cantilever you are referring to?No cantilever?
Also I'm interested in your opinions on perceived benefits though. I'm always interested in different opinions and possible knowledge.
It is 3X9 X 40 did I miss something? Maybe it doesn't look like a variable optic?I wouldn't change that gun at all FWIW. If you are shooting small game with that from a fixed position looking at roughly fixed distances or over a field on a farm/grazing area/low brush you don't need a canted sight. My personal opinion is more times than not people do more things with their guns than they need to or that they can take advantage of.
Assuming that gun would actually need one, why not just a variable optic setup?
It is 3X9 X 40 did I miss something? Maybe it doesn't look like a variable optic?
Ah yeah. I'm just not into low power especially on a rifle that pushes a 75 grain pill 3950 feet per second. This is my mid to long range IE 200-600 yard gun. I'm sure it'll reach out further but if I start shooting living breathing things past 600 I better have a damn good reason.I meant LPVO, my bad. 1x6 or 8/10 whatever your distance is. My point is more I see no reason you would need a canted sight or really almost ever want one.
Ah yeah. I'm just not into low power especially on a rifle that pushes a 75 grain pill 3950 feet per second. This is my mid to long range IE 200-600 yard gun. I'm sure it'll reach out further but if I start shooting living breathing things past 600 I better have a damn good reason.
Agreed.I always figure if you are hitting what you want at distance and you like your setup, don't change a thing unless you are forced to.
Solid logic.I always figure if you are hitting what you want at distance and you like your setup, don't change a thing unless you are forced to.