Let's see that shooter

Cool pics, H20 MAN; I like the MAGPUL foregrip. Do you find it an improvement?
Seems like you can get more surface area of your hand on the weapon with it.


I do find the AFG to be an improvement, so much so that I have them
on all four of my modernized M14s and I even put one on my 7.62 AKM.
Was it issue or did you buy it NIB? I've been wanting to try one out but can't find anyone near for a test run.

I bought it here, the comp arrived in 2-3 days. Great, fast service.

I bought mine based on recommendations from a bunch of competition shooters; I had never fired a weapon with one until today.
Very nice.

I was issued a Steyr for years, nice rifles.
What do you think of the FAMAS?

It is actually a lot more ergonomic than its appearance would suggest. It is very accurate and reliable. It is not quite as easy to take down as the Steyr is but it is close. I like it much better than the SA80/L85 rifles I've handled but not quite as much as the Steyr. The FAMAS does have a fluted chamber like the HK 33 and will streak the brass pretty good.
I didn't want to start a new thread just for this and judged here to be the best place to ask.

Do any of you guys have any experince with "flat" triggers on your or any 1911s? and how do they perform in comparison with most other triggers?
Just to be clear I'm not talking bout solid triggers but "flat".