If you are worried about employment after the service, your primary focus should have been on your primary MOS, since that's where you'll receive the most significant training and experience in. All the high speed stuff ends up being a metric shitpile of OJT, which doesn't always result in actual certifications or paperwork attached to it.
What that means, is that you could have a bunch of knowledge and experience with no actual documentation specifically attached to your experience and knowledge... which results in a grey area of marketability, compounded by the fact that you have to tiptoe around what you did, what you got trained on, etc due to NDA's, OPSEC, etc.
Padding your resume isn't what SOF in any aspect is about, and that's exactly how you're coming across... and no SOF troop anywhere wants some douche that's there for some certs and other shit as a "stepping stone" to some other shit... Everyone's met guys like that, they don't have the mission focus for what's at hand, basically end up being a tactical and administrative liability, and typically more often than not end up getting washed out anyway in the selection processes.
It doesn't help that you're a new guy on this site that *hasn't* passed shit, and you're wondering about what happens after you pass shit. Either you want to be MARSOC or you don't, right fucking now.