Location sharing with family


Sep 12, 2012
Today I discovered that I have friends and family who set their phones so that their kids/family other friends can know their location at any time.

I asked my wife if she was aware of this and she said that she’d love if we did it too but she said she knew better than to ask. I told her that her assessment was correct.

Is this really a thing? I can’t imagine a scenario where I would do that.
Today I discovered that I have friends and family who set their phones so that their kids/family other friends can know their location at any time.

I asked my wife if she was aware of this and she said that she’d love if we did it too but she said she knew better than to ask. I told her that her assessment was correct.

Is this really a thing? I can’t imagine a scenario where I would do that.

My sister in law does it with our nieces phones. Rylee is 21 and in college.

Mya is 13 and in 8th grade. Pretty sure the kids have same app and they know where parents are.

I see where it can be beneficial, especially these days with kids and the Babylon rectangle of death.

But no, I wouldn't do it.
Today I discovered that I have friends and family who set their phones so that their kids/family other friends can know their location at any time.

I asked my wife if she was aware of this and she said that she’d love if we did it too but she said she knew better than to ask. I told her that her assessment was correct.

Is this really a thing? I can’t imagine a scenario where I would do that.

My wife, daughter (29), and some of their friends do this, but both parties have to opt in and enable that feature on their iPhones. Apparently it is a thing among some people, they don't care who knows where they are. My wife even has some of her employees volunteer to connect with her which is absolute madness to me. Her employer used the feature between two other employees to have one of them fired. :-o No shit. Dude asked for time off, was denied, then called in sick and left the state. He was sharing his location with a different manager, and they screen grabbed his pin sitting in Virginia for 4-5 days. Again, this is a voluntary thing, but the 20-something crowd thinks nothing of broadcasting their location to the world. One of her employees likes to get black out drunk and shared her location so "people know where to find me" if she's late to work.

Madness, but common and both parties have to connect. It blows my mind.

My contribution is to verify it's turned off.
Yup, we have it on all of our kids' phones. It is conditional: as long as you live with us, as long as we subsidize part of your phone bill, as long as you are on my account, we will have the app (Life 360).

They can also see where we are. I've no secrets on my location, and I am predictably boring and consistent.
Me, the wife, my daughter - all live in the same house - all know where each other is conducting shenanigans - my boys, not so much.
Both boys are married and live in different cities.
Today I discovered that I have friends and family who set their phones so that their kids/family other friends can know their location at any time.

I asked my wife if she was aware of this and she said that she’d love if we did it too but she said she knew better than to ask. I told her that her assessment was correct.

Is this really a thing? I can’t imagine a scenario where I would do that.
I share my location indefinitely with both my kids, my wife, and a couple of other very close people to me, especially local. Handy tool.
Man half the time I "forget" my phone at home so my ol Lady bug me when I am out running errands or having a cold one with buddies. She probably has something tracking me, but I'm kinda indifferent, I ain't hiding from anyone, but when I want to be left alone I know how to not be found or bothered.

Use cash
Leave phone at home
Leave wallet at home
Leave truck at home
Avoid places where people don't know me
Tell friends no social media posting

It's fairly easy to get off the radar for few days/couple weeks.