I think that was a photo taken in Jo'burg just before they started shooting the movie lol
Irish, do you seriously know what pants he's wearing?
LOL... someone just asked about tacpants... I love this forum!
lol I felt weird asking, but I don't know what else to call them. Can't wear blue jean pants, can't wear dress pants, can't wear swim trunks. Got to call them something.
Bought a pair of the Blackhawk and fixing to order some Vertx, but I ordered a size too large on the waist. Too baggy around the ***. I've got a person that does all the tailoring on my uniforms.. has anyone had any luck tailoring ripstop? I've never heard of it myself.
I have had a shitload of rip stop uniforms tailored, no problems at all. Let me know how you like the Vertx, I have been eyeballing them for awhile now. I wear 5.11, but I also have a few pairs of North Face cargos that I think are GTG.
Ask Digrar.. He might know lol
Aussies are experts on men's fashion. Particularly pants, specifically the insides of men's pants.
Just mike... thanks Troll..@ mike_cos....
Jesus was verified SOF....:cool:
Didn't you Italians kill Jesus to start with?
Didn't you Italians kill Jesus to start with?
oh yeah... so, if Jesus was a SOF guy... beware of the italian.... (a little clarification: these pics were shot into 1° BFE (peruvian SOF) in Lima, not in Italy... we have Vatican for this)Didn't you Italians kill Jesus to start with?