Looking for a Special Forces Mentor


Dec 4, 2009
First, Let me start by thanking all of you fine men. You are examples of courage, professionalism and strength, and i am glad to say that i admire all your achievements and i respect all your sacrifices. We all owe a debt of gratitude, thank you. I am a currently a college student working on my bachelors in criminal law. I aspire to serve my country as a federal agent someday, but right now i look to forward my career by joining the ranks of the Special Forces. Like many others, i used to play college football at the Division II level. I played Fullback in college so i am a little bulky. For close to a year now i have been searching, reading and studying everything that has to do with Special Forces training. I know it will be a mental and physical battle, but i know that with proper training and good advice from men like your-selfs i can make it. I ask anyone willing to invest some time to help me, to do so, and i will discipline my mind and body accordingly. I am built like a Fullback although i gain some wight because i been away from the game. Please feel free to provide me with weight training work outs and running workout in order make weight. I would also like to learn Land Navigation, i live in New York City so, it's hard for me to see forests around here. I believe the Land Navigation phase is going to be the most challenging for me.
Not making fun.....but where the hell is Kutztown? Gotta be in the northeast.....please educate me. I went to Marshall, a little university in Huntington, WV.
You hit the nail on the head, it is in the Northeast. Kutztown is a small town in northeastern Pennsylvania, and Kutztown University is located right in the center of town. My career was short live, i only played for one year. If i would have gone to where i was needed, as opposed to where i was wanted, i could have had a better career. That's one of the situations you only examine after the fact, and when you get more mature.
Are you talking to me, or everyone else here?

I can find my ass with both hands....but I'm not so sure about the rest of the Special Operators here......

Laddie, most of us here can find our way home without map or compass......remember to whom you are speaking.
It was just a question. You don't have to a rude about man. just lookin for some advice from experienced operators, but i see you may be wrong person to ask. Good Luck! finding your ass.
It was just a question. You don't have to a rude about man. just lookin for some advice from experienced operators, but i see you may be wrong person to ask. Good Luck! finding your ass.

WHOA!!!!! You come on here and do this? Our home? As Car said, remember to whom you are speaking! Thats all I have to say, sorry if I am out of line Car.

No, honestly i respect you gentlemen and everything you stand for, and i aspire to join the ranks like yourselfs. Im not here to disrespect any one, or Car himself for that matter. I just need to get ready for the storm and i believe you Veterans can help me and anyone else with the same goal suceed. Car and whoever got offended i apologize, but it was a simple question that didn't require the extra comments.
Land Nav, I never found it to be difficult though some people do. Like car said, you get it or you don't. That isn't a flippant comment. Even really, really easy courses where land nav was involved (PLDC, now the Warrior Leader Course or something and later OCS for me) had blocks of instruction on Land Nav and practice runs. Geting through a land nav course isn't terribly difficult though I cannot speak for the STAR course that SF candidates run (and I doubt the SF guys will answer many questions on it). If you wind up going 18x you'll have opportunities to work on land nav.

One thing about the Army, it will almost always give you the basics to succeed and lan nav is no exception. I wouldn't worry about it to be honest.
Alright, my situational awareness was poor, i know. What would have been the proper way to handle this situation?
Alright, my situational awareness was poor, i know. What would have been the proper way to handle this situation?

Let it roll off your back like water off a duck and then maybe rephrase your question. You can't get rattled and you allowed one comment on the Net to do that. What if he'd said that to your face? If he was one of your training cadre? You can take a comment or two without damage, you'll have to. SF guys are highly critical of everything, including each other.
I was most concerned with the Land Nav phase, because it's one of the first phases after the selection process and at this phase is where many trainees have the most difficulty, according to the books i have read.