LTC Clark Welch - RHOF


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
I had never heard of him until I saw a story on him today. I don't know if of you knew/ served with him, but he sounds remarkable.

Blue Skies.

Vietnam War hero dies in Leesburg

Welch served as an Airborne Ranger in the 1st Infantry Division and Special Forces. He spent 31 years in the service and was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame. In addition to the Distinguished Service Cross, Welch was awarded three Silver Stars with "V" device signaling valor in combat, two Purple Hearts and the Legion of Merit, among others.


Lieutenant Colonel Albert Clark Welch is inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame for demonstrating extraordinary valor during combat operations in the Republic of Vietnam and for outstanding service in multiple Ranger and special operations assignments. For his service in the Republic of Vietnam, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, three Silver Stars, four Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts. Ranger Welch was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism while commanding Delta Company, Second Battalion, 28th Infantry during the Battle of Ong Thanh in Vietnam during in 1967. He was wounded five times as he led his soldiers in a 4-hour battle against overwhelming odds until he lost consciousness. After recovering from his wounds, Ranger Welch returned to Vietnam as a MACVSOG strike team leader in the Special Forces. Subsequent assignments included the Florida Ranger Camp where he initiated Operation Stiletto, a parachute assault that replaced bus transportation previously used to move Ranger students from Fort Benning to Eglin AFB to begin the Florida phase of the Ranger course, commander of the 4th Ranger Training Battalion at Fort Benning and commander of the 7th Ranger Training Battalion (Task Force Desert) at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. His heroism, sacrifice, dedication, and devotion to duty and his display of the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the Ranger mission are in keeping with the highest standards of the United States Army Ranger.