Lucas Parker: Purpose and Direction


Verified SOF
Dec 27, 2010
Jedi Center of Excellence
SOF Mentor
I absolutely loved watching this. I think he has a great philosophy on not only training, but it seems life in general. Although most if not all of us probably do not have both the time and means he has, I think you can apply a lot of his principles in your own way. It's about 20 minutes long, and very worth your time IMO. Also, on a side note, I am absolutely jealous of his backyard and the view that comes with it.

That warm up....

I liked his philosophy about everything in life being like a training event..maybe I will try to be more structured.

Seems like a good guy to train with.
Great video.
He's obviously a very large and in-shape man, but I seriously question his choice of outfit for his 30 minute kayak session. :ack:
that's one lumberjacked mother. pretty bad ass beard to have it meet with his pubes:D
Weight, 185. Height, 5′ 7″. He's like an Ewok.
Hmm...I retract my previous comment. I'm 6'2" though, so I might be a bit biased...
Also, I'm currently suffering from being over served in my own house.