Marine gets a Fast-1 pushed into his chest for a demonstration

I hated the Jamshidi or Illinois needles. I remember years ago, I had to pop one into a sick kids tib, hypovolemic shock from dehydration, unconscious. I thought it was barbaric, can't imagine what that poor kids folks thought. Kid survived after being transferred to CHOP.


Ugh. Jamshidi's and Illinois'. Now THOSE were instruments of torture.....the twisting, the 'pop', occasionally going right through the bone.....
I've always seen it used with the included training dummy. Why didn't they just use a dummy?? Oh, wait........
Good god.. lmfao! I saw PJs perform an IO on that show "Inside Combat Rescue", was pretty damn amazing to see. Looked much better than that mid-evil torture device :-o
Supposedly the EZ IO doesn't hurt that badly. I have never taken one but given them and people tend to not complain. The flush on the other hand supposedly hurts like a bitch...

Last year, I had a 45 female, anterior-lateral wall M.I. / C.H.F. and cardiogenic shock, wanting to die. Pressure was in the shitter. I tried 4 times for I.V., including E.J., no dice. I drilled her left tib and since she was awake, gave the recommended 20mg. Lido via I.O. for pain. THAT caused pain and raised her B/P, no fooling. Did not last long and got order for Dope. Seems like, every time I push the Lido, it hurts more and causes the I.O. to flow slower.

I figure if someone's sticking me in my bone marrow, "death" and "FUCKING HELL THEY ARE DRILLING INTO MY BONE MARROW" are the only options left. My answer's "fuck the Reaper" and I'll take the marrow shot.

I guess you could say I marrowly avoided death in that case.
That's the EZ I-O. It's a lot easier to use than what we had years ago. We used to have to do it manually by twisting the needle into the bone. Fun times.
Ugh, I had to do one that way once IRL that way and that was enough to wish I had something else. Practicing on turkey bones was bad enough but on a kid was much worse for me.
Nope, not in my chest, nor in my shin bone, nope, nope, nope! Not going to happen...go train on your goat's, or the other wee minded troopers. Ain't happening with me.

I'd better be one busted up mangled mess, before you even think of doing some shit like that. Hit me with the ketamine and send me to loopyvill before you even think about drilling into my bones...8-)

Bunch of sadistic bastards.}:-)
Nope, not in my chest, nor in my shin bone, nope, nope, nope! Not going to happen...go train on your goat's, or the other wee minded troopers. Ain't happening with me.

I'd better be one busted up mangled mess, before you even think of doing some shit like that. Hit me with the ketamine and send me to loopyvill before you even think about drilling into my bones...8-)

Bunch of sadistic bastards.}:-)

In all transparency bro, it is only used for last ditch, your blood pressure is in the shitter and we need to get blood or meds into you. I would not let an EZ IO dude put one in me unless I am wanting to die.
