Shawn Ryan has an episode with Michael Yon, author, ex-SF, etc. He did the "Dispatches" series from Iraq which was well regarded.
Yon is clearly intelligent and passionate about the border issue, but man, is he hard to follow. That guy digresses into rabbit holes to worm holes to black holes and then back out again. Ryan had to shut him down a few times just to regain control of the episode.
Anyway, the episode is pretty good, lot of stuff in it, I'll try to summarize.
- NGO's are facilitating illegals into the US. Numerous camps/ "bus stations" operate in Panama.
- The Chinese and Iranians can easily fly into Venezuela (or other places for the Chinese), obtain a passport, and get into the US.
- The Chinese are slowly trying to "convert" (my word) the indig in Central and South America into believing their land-bridge crossing ancestors are Chinese descendants. How's the white man treated your tribe in the last 500 years?
- The Chinese and NGOs have built the infrastructure to move thousands of immigrants a day from Panama to the US.
- The Bahamas are actually helping Haitians and others into the US.
Bunches of other stuff, but the big takeaway is just about any foreign national can make it to South America and will be bussed to the US border in a few weeks or less. Oh, Mayorkas used to be a president or on the board of one of these organizations helping people flood into the US.