Medstudent intro


May 22, 2011
Hello ShadowSpear Community,

I am currently in Medical school in California, where I am about to start my third year (finally get to learn the practical stuff). I have had the privilege to do a few rotations at the VA (more to come in the next 2 years) and through this experience I have grown to respect and admire those who haved served. While at the VA I have met some pretty interesting people and I became curious about the special forces community and I found this board. I will most likely not post much as I don't think I have much to contribute, but I will definitely lurk and read.

Thanks for the welcome all!

Welcome. Is that a PG-3?


Actually I'm considered MS-2 and in two weeks MS-3 or medical student year 3. PG-3 would be someone in Residency year 3 and I think it means post graduate year 3 which I personally can't wait to get be so I can finally be useful instead of free labor for the hospital :thumbsup:
Welcome to the site. There are frequently medical discussions on the site that are way over my head, but you may find interesting.