Military Ancestors...

I've never heard of that, but you could include it in your FOIA SF-180 Form. There are many different documents you can request. It's not just limited to DD214s and medical records, so, conceivably, you might be able to get official photos, too.

Incidentally, my wife has been doing for a number of years and you'd be amazed at the wealth of records, documents and photos it gives you access too, including certain military records. She was looking for her bio-Dad's Marine Corps fighter squadron from the Pacific in WW2...and ended up with unit rosters, photographs, combat histories, his duty stations etc. She was able to follow his movements from California to Hawaii to various Pacific islands.

It's another valuable resource for info on military ancestors.
That's how I found out about my great*3 grandfather serving in the Virginia militia. Some folks even list a rank for a relative. Like "Sgt John Wright."
And mother always told me not to dig too deep @Gunpowder. She said my father's (vs. my dad's) side likely had pirates. Maybe it was just the divorce talking.
That's how I found out about my great*3 grandfather serving in the Virginia militia. Some folks even list a rank for a relative. Like "Sgt John Wright."
And mother always told me not to dig too deep @Gunpowder. She said my father's (vs. my dad's) side likely had pirates. Maybe it was just the divorce talking.

That would make me want to dig...
Didn’t skip a generation either. I would post a picture of my dad with JMAU in Iraq circa ‘04 but I think he would find me and kill me.

Who was your Dad? Can you PM me his name, wondering if I know him.
No picture but I have a copy of my Great Great...Grandfather's Letter petitioning the government for his pension for service in the Revolution.
No picture but I have a copy of my Great Great...Grandfather's Letter petitioning the government for his pension for service in the Revolution.
If you can find all the birth certificates proving you are the great... grandson, you might be eligible to join certain societies with rather exclusive membership. The Society of the Cincinnati is kind of a big deal. Society of the Cincinnati
If you can find all the birth certificates proving you are the great... grandson, you might be eligible to join certain societies with rather exclusive membership. The Society of the Cincinnati is kind of a big deal. Society of the Cincinnati
Interesting. I’ll talk to my aunt who is the family genealogy expert. Thanks for the heads up.
If you can find all the birth certificates proving you are the great... grandson, you might be eligible to join certain societies with rather exclusive membership. The Society of the Cincinnati is kind of a big deal. Society of the Cincinnati

You also save yourself a lot of work if you can find an recent ancestor who may have applied and was accepted to said organization. Example...I have an ancestor who applied in 1960 for one of our Revolutionary War ancestors....all I need to do is verify descendancy to that person...all other documentation is on filed back to the RW ancestor. Good Luck
You also save yourself a lot of work if you can find an recent ancestor who may have applied and was accepted to said organization. Example...I have an ancestor who applied in 1960 for one of our Revolutionary War ancestors....all I need to do is verify descendancy to that person...all other documentation is on filed back to the RW ancestor. Good Luck

If anyone did it was my aunt. I'm hoping she has all this stuff looked at, if not I'm sure she would be interested in doing it together.